Basic info

First Name

Ana Maria

Last Name

Montes Ferro

User name






Full name

Ana Maria Montes Ferro

Working languages

English, French (Français), Spanish (Español)



Driven by my passion for biodiversity, I pursued studies in both biology and microbiology, which eventually led me to the captivating Amazon Rainforest. Here, I was given the opportunity to learn from other forms of knowledge which allowed me to navigate the complexities of this forest. Over time, I realized that biodiversity when used as a verb, could initiate meaningful dialogues with native communities. I strongly believe that by bridging scientific and local knowledge, we can create innovative solutions to foster symbiosis between economic, environmental, and social values.



  • Biology, University of Los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia, 2020
  • Microbiology, University of los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia, 2020
Significant achievements
  • The entrepreneurship project ‘Estomagos del Amazonas’ was selected as semifinalist in the Despega Colombia competition 2022
  • The ‘Otters-up’ conservation project was presented at a UNICEF discussion forum in Benjamin Constant, Brazil and received 100% approval from young leaders, local government entities, and UNICEF coordinators, making it the only project to achieve such unanimous support
  • Program WISE (Women in STEM Entrepreneurship) by Uniandes 2022
  • Program ‘Aceleración de Proyectos de Emprendimiento Universitario 2021’  (Acceleration of University Entrepreneurship Projects 2021)  by Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá
  • Certificate of assistance to ’13° Encuentro RedBioLAC: Biodigestores domésticos: instalación, operación y mantenimiento’ (13 th RedBioLAC Meeting – Domestic biodigesters: installation, operation and maintenance) – October 26, 2021
  • Certificate of assistance to the First International Workshop of Giant Otters, May 9-12, 2017 by Fundación zoológico de Cali.



Open to new collaborations

Current employment

CEO of Terragénesis, Colombia


Alertness towards sustainability – Knowledge in biological conservation – Experience co-creating with communities – Cross-cultural communication – Curiosity driven

Motivation for social impact creation

Guy Laliberté once shared that the three ‘P’s for success are Passion, Perseverance, and Partnership. Throughout my journey as an entrepreneur and a conservation scientist, I recognized that Privilege was also a ‘P’ in this equation. I dream of a world of equal opportunities which is why, I aspire to be an entrepreneur who can create a symbiosis between social, environmental and economic values

Contributions to the SBC community

Willing to share my experiences and know-how

Sustainable Development Goals

GOAL 1: No Poverty, GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being, GOAL 4: Quality Education, GOAL 5: Gender Equality, GOAL 6: Clean Water and Sanitation, GOAL 7: Affordable and Clean Energy, GOAL 15: Life on Land



Active but not looking

Research interests
  • Sanitation in low-income settings
  • New-tech on wastewater treatment and reuse
  • Human behavior: cultural aspects around sanitation
  • Neglected diseases
  • Link between sanitation and health
  • Link between sanitation and education


Teaching experience
  • Ongoing language exchange program between kubeo and english with indigenous people displaced by violence, Bogotá, Colombia (6 months).
  • Designed and conducted 20 workshops aimed at promoting sustainable soil use for farmers (familias campesinas), Huila, Colombia.
  • Teaching assistant in conservation biology at the University of los Andes for a total of three semesters, Bogotá, Colombia (12 months).
  • Mentor in ‘Progresa Fenicia’, a program to strengthen the education of children from vulnerable neighborhoods surrounding the University of los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia (6 months).
  • Conducted a series of workshops on the conservation of giant otters with children from Paumari’s community, Javary Basin, Brazil, and Escola Graziela, Benjamin Constant, Brazil (2 months).

SBC competition

Competition: look for projects

Active but not looking for new projects

Competition: look for members

Lab leader