Basic info

First Name

Tran Chau

Last Name

Phan Le

User name






Full name

Phan Lê Trân Châu

Working languages

English, Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt)



My name is Phan Lê Tran Chau, and I am in the process of my last year of study in the Marketing Management program at the University of Greenwich in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. My abilities in the areas of diligence, responsibility, teamwork, and project management have helped me place in the top three of every class that I have ever attended. The charitable activities in which I take part with my family on an annual, motivated me to provide a helping hand to others in our community who are less fortunate. Today I am pleased to be a member of the TEA Vietnam team of students with like-minded ambitions in the creation of a social company that strives to enhance the skills and career progression opportunities for persons with disabilities in my nation.


Marketing Administration (University of Greenwich Vietnam, to completed in 2024)

Significant achievements

Top three all of subject in university



Bachelor Degree of Marketing Management (University of Greenwich Vietnam, expected 2024)



Looking for business partners, Looking for investment opportunities, Open to work, Open to new collaborations

Current employment

Marketing Manager – Growth Product Management in The Enable Agency


Marketing, Product, Technical Skill

Motivation for social impact creation

Provide the opportunity for disabled individuals to education and employment. Disability is not a barrier for them

Contributions to the SBC community

Our team will be part of the ecosystem that increase equality and quality of career for people with disability

Sustainable Development Goals

GOAL 1: No Poverty, GOAL 4: Quality Education, GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality, GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities



Active but not looking

Research interests

The subject of “GIG ECONOMY” piques my interest. I find this topic to be interesting and rich with research opportunities. If I have the resources and time, I will conduct additional research on this topic, and I intend to study it in Vietnam, my home country.

Current research projects

I will conduct the research “GIG ECONOMY IN VIETNAM” in the short-term future.

Selected publications

Not yet

SBC competition

Competition: look for projects

Active but not looking for new projects

Competition: look for members

Need more members

Website and social media