Basic info

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Full name

Hoàng Bùi Lan Hương

Working languages

English, Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt)



Calling herself as “A jack of all trades” , Huong is currently in her junior year in Foreign Trade University HCMC Campus. Based on the post “How to become a Valedictorian ” from her true story went viral with 6,000+ social engagements, she has made this become a series of sharing webinars for highschool students across Vietnam. She also marked her name with being the youngest attendee having an article published on the 5th International New York Conference by Institute of Economic Development and Social Research Publications. She has founded Vietnam Management Consulting (VMC) – currently has more than 12,000 active group members . At SSEAYP Youth Conference 2021 organized by the Government of Japan and supported by ASEAN, she was Vietnam’s representative and raised her voice in terms of social hunger and poverty in the times of COVID-19. Later on appeared on national television of hair, blood and organ donation and featuring in multiple online newspaper, especially in VNExpress – The most read Vietnamese newspaper. A new journey with SBC

  • Foreign Trade UniversityForeign Trade University
  • Bachelor’s degree, Logistics, Materials, and Supply Chain ManagementBachelor’s degree, Logistics, Materials, and Supply Chain Management2020 – 2024
Significant achievements

Valedictorian for the National Entrace University Exam – #1 National Ranking on Combination D06 (Mathematics – Literature – Japanese)


Sustainable Development Goals

GOAL 4: Quality Education, GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, GOAL 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal



Active but not looking

Research interests

As an Economics major with a strong interest in education and its impact on society, my research interests are diverse and multidisciplinary. While I have conducted research in the field of economics, I am also passionate about exploring the intersection of education and social issues. In 2022, I presented a research paper titled “A Study on the Comparison of Preventive Measures in a Convenience Store During a State of ‘New Normal’ in Vietnam” at the VII-International European Conference on Interdisciplinary Scientific Research in Valencia, Spain. This study was conducted in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and examined the effectiveness of preventive measures implemented in a convenience store setting in Vietnam. Through my research, I aim to contribute to a deeper understanding of complex societal issues and inform evidence-based policies and practices that promote positive change.

Selected publications



Teaching experience

As an experienced IELTS instructor with over two years of teaching experience, I have had the pleasure of helping more than 50 students achieve their desired scores of 6.5 and above. My own first-time learner score of 8.0 overall serves as a testament to my deep understanding of the IELTS exam, and my ability to guide students through the complexities of the test with confidence and ease. I take pride in the success of my students, and one recent achievement that stands out is my student who earned an impressive 8.0 score and gained admission to Yonsei University. With a proven track record of excellence, I am dedicated to helping all my students reach their full potential and achieve their academic and professional goals.

Teaching philosophy and method

My teaching philosophy is rooted in the belief that education is all about enlightenment. As an instructor, I see my role as not only imparting knowledge, but also helping students to develop a deeper understanding of themselves, the world around them, and their place in it. This means creating an environment that encourages curiosity, exploration, and critical thinking, while also fostering a sense of community and respect for diverse perspectives.

In terms of language teaching methods, I combine different techniques to reach the ultimate goal of helping students to be able to use the language they are learning. Based on the “input-output” model, my approach emphasizes the importance of exposing students to authentic language input, whether through reading, listening, or speaking, while also providing opportunities for them to practice and produce language output. This may involve using a range of resources, including textbooks, multimedia materials, and real-life situations, to create a dynamic and engaging learning experience. Throughout the process, I encourage students to take an active role in their own learning, setting goals, monitoring their progress, and seeking feedback to continually improve their language skills.

SBC competition

Competition: look for projects

Active but not looking for new projects

Competition: look for members

Lab leader