Basic info

First Name

José Antonio

Last Name

Ansedes Miranda

User name






Full name

José Antonio Ansedes Miranda

Working languages

English, Spanish (Español)



I am a college student enrolled in Finance and Accounting majors, which undoubtedly are my passions; the love acquired for my majors could be the best thing that happened to me.

I was taught that no matter what company you are developing, it has to have a social and environmental purpose; as a young man, I genuinely believe that companies committed to environmental and social causes can change our world. This is why I will stay true to what I stand for, no matter my performance in this contest.

On my professional track, I have created a company called Green Karma, which distributes cleaning products with a robust recycling method. And at the same time, I am working on my family business. As you may see, I know how to run a business and am ready to start a new project.

The primary purpose of joining the SBC community is to launch my new idea and learn from professionals. I am a seeker of learning and love to create healthy relationships in which we all can help each other.




Current student from Universidad Anáhuac Mexico Norte

Alternative Investments Degree from Harvard University

Real Estate Finance from Carlos Devis

Currently studying for the CFA Level 1 program

Significant achievements

Servicio Bandeira: I opened up a carwash that does not use water, but unfortunately, it was not a successful project.

Auditor of Cruz Roja Mexicana in the county of Nicolás Romero from May 2021 to July 2022

Family Business: I introduce administration and sales systems that help us upscale our Bottom Line

Family investor advisor: I manage my family earnings and make arbitrage between rates from Spain and Mexico.

Company Valuation: I worked with a professor in calculating a company’s value

Green Karma: My mother, sister, and I started a company that distributes cleaning products with a recycling edge.




Looking for business partners, Open to work

Current employment

Family Business and own Company


I have administrated businesses for the last 3 years and well trained in Finance.

Motivation for social impact creation

I believe global change will start from enterprises.

Contributions to the SBC community

Count with my help whenever you want. All the best luck for all, we are going to start the change.

Sustainable Development Goals

GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, GOAL 13: Climate Action, GOAL 15: Life on Land



Looking for collaborators

Research interests

I am looking for an app developer and a marketing person.

SBC competition

Competition: look for projects

Looking for new project(s), Alumni

Competition: look for members

Lab leader