Basic info

First Name


Last Name

User name






Full name

Lê Thị Bảo Ngọc

Working languages

English, French (Français), Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt)



I am a marketing enthusiast who is passionate about learning and exploring new things in the industry. With 6 months of experience in marketing, I have gained valuable insights into various marketing channels and techniques. My goal is to continue expanding my knowledge and skills in the field and become a well-rounded marketing professional.

My values include creativity, innovation, and teamwork. I believe that marketing should be an engaging and meaningful experience for both businesses and customers. As such, my approach to marketing is to always look for fresh perspectives and ideas, while keeping the customer at the forefront of my strategies.

My top accomplishments include successfully running a social media campaign for a local business, creating engaging content for email marketing campaigns, and collaborating with cross-functional teams to launch a new product. I am constantly seeking new challenges to improve my skills and contribute to the growth of the businesses I work with.

My motivation to join the SBC community is to connect with other like-minded individuals who share my passion for marketing. I believe that the community will offer valuable resources and networking opportunities that will help me grow in my career.


Business International (Foreign Trade University, Vietnam, 2021)

Significant achievements

MOS Excel 2019


Certification of members with excellent activities in the FTU Forum



Open to work, Open to new collaborations

Current employment

Marketing staff at Tinhocmos office computer center


Manage fanpage, design, film, edit video, write content

Motivation for social impact creation

my motivation for social impact creation stems from a deep desire to use my skills and knowledge to make a positive difference in the world. I strongly believe that marketing can be used as a force for good, and that by creating impactful campaigns and messages, we can help to raise awareness, change attitudes, and inspire action on a range of social issues.

Contributions to the SBC community

In terms of what I can offer to the SBC community, I am eager to share my knowledge and expertise with others, particularly those who may be new to the field. I am also open to learning from others and collaborating on projects that can drive positive change.

Sustainable Development Goals

GOAL 4: Quality Education, GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, GOAL 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal



Active but not looking

Research interests

My research interests include consumer behavior, brand management, digital marketing, and marketing strategy. I am interested in understanding how consumers make decisions, what factors influence their choices, and how marketers can effectively communicate and connect with their target audience. A

Current research projects

I am currently working on a research project that focuses on the marketing and promotion of the EJOY extension and EJOY Epic app. The EJOY extension is a free browser extension that helps users learn English by providing definitions and example sentences for English words that users encounter while browsing the internet. EJOY Epic, on the other hand, is a paid English learning app that offers a range of features to help users improve their language skills, including vocabulary building exercises, grammar lessons, and interactive quizzes.

Selected publications

this is my publication summary page:


Teaching experience


Teaching philosophy and method


SBC competition

Competition: look for projects

Looking for new project(s)

Competition: look for members

Lab member

Website and social media