Basic info

First Name


Last Name


User name






Full name

Chu Quốc Hùng

Working languages




I am a student from class 11A1, Hanoi-Amsterdam High School for the Gifted, specialising in English. My strengths lie in my verbal skills (presenting, debating), problem-solving capability, creativity, versatility and vision. However, I may come off as a taciturn person, but that is only because I am humble and learning.

I strongly believe in two notions. The first is to always think with reason, not emotion. The second is, like I always tell myself, “If you see the problem, you are the answer.”

As a high school student, my accolades are not too impressive:

– Gold medal Global Invention Forum in Cyprus, 2022

– Top 12 Finalists VinUni marketing case competition, 2022

– Debate judge World Scholars’ Cup, Nha Trang Global Round, 2022

– Head of Finance: Ams’ Got Talent | Ams Crew

Arriving here at the SBC is not only about competing and coming out on top for me. I see the SBC community as a great opportunity to learn and grow in the field of social business, as well as meet like-minded people and together make our society a better place.

Significant achievements

Presenter at The 5th Global Public Health Conference (GLOBEHEAL), 2022: on “ANXIETY DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC: AN ONLINE SURVEY AMONG ADOLESCENTS IN HANOI, VIETNAM IN 2021”. I conducted a survey on 5315 high school students, processed my statistics with professional help, presented my findings in front of international authorities on the matter, and called for action.

Presenter at the International Conference of Sustainable University Development: Opportunities and Challenges (SUDOC), 2022: on “Factors affecting the intention of purchasing “Made in Vietnam” electric cars of Vietnamese”. I conducted a survey on over 300 adults with purchasing capability for a car, analysed the statistics with professional help, and presented my findings.

Research Assistant & Co-author of 3 published papers: Factors affecting the intention of purchasing “Made in Vietnam” electric cars of Vietnamese | Opportunities and challenges for “Made in Vietnam” electric cars | Consumer survey on “Made in Vietnam” electric cars



Open to work, Open to new collaborations

Current employment

Mattra – Co-Founder/CFO


Working with numbers, leadership ability

Motivation for social impact creation

Make society a better place, less reliant on the government

Contributions to the SBC community

I am still looking to join the community

Sustainable Development Goals

GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being, GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality, GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities



Active but not looking

Research interests

I am interested in environmental sustainability and how will companies following such a model perform in the market.

Selected publications

I have stated in my bio.


Teaching experience

I don’t have any teaching experience.

SBC competition

Competition: look for projects
