Basic info

First Name


Last Name


User name






Full name

Daniel Maximiliano Maldonado Landeros

Working languages

English, Spanish (Español)



My name is Daniel, im in med school and my expertise on making business creations is low, i did a pitch proyect for the Universidad Anahuac entrepreneurship program which we arrived the semi finals and the businessmen saw a good potential on it so they invite me to form part of this event.

My golas and values i believe are high, due to the education my university is giving and because as a future doctor i want to help the most people i can. I value the honesty, respect and hardworking.

My major goal or achievements are working for an important sport team or sportsman being a great trauma doctor with my specialty in sports motivates me on keep working, studying, helping my teammates and asking the most questions i can to reduce possible mistakes in the future.

I want to join the SBC community to help people with these new inventions, creations and medical discoveries. Having a constant improvement in this field is always good for the community and i would like to be part of this evolution in medicine and helping society to move to a better future.


I am currently studying medicine in Universidad Anahuac Norte



Looking for investment opportunities, Open to new collaborations

Motivation for social impact creation

Im motivated to the change towards good, equality and opportunity for everyone.

Sustainable Development Goals

GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being, GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, GOAL 13: Climate Action



Looking for collaborators