Basic info

First Name


Last Name


User name






Full name

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Vân

Working languages




I am is an expert in e-commerce with specific expertise in digital business, business information systems, and e-learning. I have experience teaching and researching in e-commerce, digital business, digital marketing, and information systems applications in import-export businesses. I have more than 10 years working experience as a national consultant of ITC, USAID, UNDP, VCCI, VIETRADE in E-commerce and Digital marketing. My strong expertises in facilitating, operating, and coordinating activities in training and research programs in E-commerce and digital trade can help me to create social impacts and contribute to the Social Business Creation (SBC) programs.


PhD, Business Administration, Foreign Trade University, Vietnam, 2019

MBA, E-business and Information Technology, Columbia Souther University, USA, 2011

Significant achievements


2023: National Trainer on the Digital Export-Enablement Programme (DEEP) for ASEAN Small Businesses organized by The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), Google and the International Trade Centre (ITC).

2022-2023: National Individual Consultants of Responsible Business Project Team, UNDP Viet Nam, responsible for awareness raising and developing the Code of conduct for sellers and merchants on the new normal.

  • August – Novemer 2023: ITC DEEP Trainer Certificate: Digital Export Enablement Programme in ASEAN countries
  • January – February 2022: E-commerce and related courses of International Trade Center including “Using Virtual Marketplaces for your E-commerce Initiative”, “E-Commerce for your B2B Business”, “Embarking on a Lean Digital Transformation for Organisations”, “Introduction to E-commerce”, “Developing Sustainable Business Models for Business Support Organizations (BSOs)”




Open to work, Open to new collaborations

Current employment

Lecturer, Foreign Trade University


E-learning, E-commerce, ICT

Motivation for social impact creation

Develop professional expertise in digital innovation, promote sustainable development and responsible business.

Contributions to the SBC community

Contribute to the training and coaching activities for businesses in digital innovation, sustainable development, and responsible business.

Sustainable Development Goals

GOAL 1: No Poverty, GOAL 2: Zero Hunger, GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being, GOAL 4: Quality Education, GOAL 5: Gender Equality, GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production, GOAL 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal



Looking for collaborators

Research interests

My research interests:

– Digital trade

– E-learning systems development

– Digital transformation in Banking

Current research projects

Digital trade

Digital transformation in banking.

Selected publications

Journal Articles

Nguyen, T.H., & Nguyen, T.H.V. (2021). Digital transformation solution to increase customer satisfaction at Petrolimex Asphalt Company. Industry and Trade Review, No. 25, ISSN: 0866-7756, 342-347

Nguyen, T.H.V., & Nguyen, D.N. (2021). Cross-border e-commerce through the Etsy trading platform: Opportunities and challenges for Vietnam. Industry and Trade Review, No. 20, ISSN: 0866-7756, 238-244

Nguyen, T.H., Le, X.L., Le, T.P., & Nguyen, T.H.V. (2020). Factors affecting the creative capacity of university students in Hanoi. Journal of International Economics and Management, No. 130, ISSN 2615-9848, 1-20

Nguyen, T.H.V. (2019). Some solutions to apply Massive open online courses in Hospitality management training at Foreign Trade University. Foreign Economic Review. No. 123, ISSN: 1859-4050, 100-112

Cao, Đ.K., & Nguyen, T.H.V. (2019). Experience in developing industrial clusters in Korea and lessons for Vietnam, Foreign Economic Review. No. 123, ISSN: 1859-4050, 40-51


Nguyen, T.H.V. (2019). Trends and possibilities of applying Blockchain technology in the agricultural supply chain in the era of Industrial Revolution 4.0. Foreign Economic Review, No. 114, February 2019, ISSN: 1859-4050, 40-51

Nguyen, T.H.V., Vu, T.K.O., & Do, T.T.H. (2019). Business links in the Textile and Garment industry in Vietnam in the new context. Industry and Trade Review, No. 12, ISSN: 0866-7756, 85-90

Nguyen, T.H.V. (2018). Solutions for applying new models of e-commerce in Vietnam’s tourism sector in the context of Industrial Revolution 4.0. Foreign Economic Review, No. 107, ISSN: 1859-4050, 60-71



Nguyen, T.H.V., & Bui, N.H.L. (2022). The impact of online sales promotion on consumers’ online impulsive buying decisions, suggestion for AI recommendation systems”. Proceedings of the International Conference on Research in Management & Technovation pp. 59–67 DOI: 10.15439/2022M8020 ISSN 2300-5963 ACSIS, Vol. 34


  • Guidelines for applications of some new technology in university lecturing by E-learning and Blended Learning (Co-author), 2022, Lao dong Publishing house, ISBN:9786043607796
  • Application of Enterprise resource planning (ERP) of retail businesses (Author), 2020, Lao Dong – Xa hoi Publishing House, ISBN:9786046549833
  • E-Commerce, Competition & ASEAN Economic Integration,  Chapter 10. Vietnam: E-commerce Market Overview and Trends (Co-author), 2019, SEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute, Singapore, ISBN:9789814762168
  • Principle of E-commerce, 2013, Foreign Trade University, Bach Khoa Hanoi Publishing house (Co-author), ISBN:9786049113734