Selected publications |
1-) Impacts of internal and external macroeconomic factors on firm stock price in an expansion econometric model—a case in Vietnam real estate industryDTN Huy, VK Nhan, NTN Bich, NTP Hong, NT Chung, PQ HuyData Science for Financial Econometrics, 189-205, 20211622021
2-) The nexus among green financial development and renewable energy: investment in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemicDDPHNHT Jianhua Ye, Ahmad Al-Fadly, Pham Quang Huy, Thanh Quang NgoECONOMIC RESEARCH-EKONOMSKA ISTRAZIVANJA, 202255*2022
3-) The impact of public sector scorecard adoption on the effectiveness of accounting information systems towards the sustainable performance in public sectorPQ Huy, VK PhucCogent Business & Management 7 (1), 1717718, 2020392020
4-) Does Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility Drive Better Organizational Performance through Integration with a Public Sector Scorecard – Empirical Evidence in a Developing …PQHVK PhucProcesses 8 (5), 1-23, 202082020
5-) Accounting information systems in public sector towards blockchain technology application: the role of accountants’ emotional intelligence in the digital agePQ Huy, VK PhucAsian Journal of Law and Economics 12 (1), 73-94, 202172021