Basic info

First Name

Patricia Alejandra

Last Name

Lamas Huerta

User name






Working languages

English, French (Français), Spanish (Español)



Professor of Higher Education, Full-Time Tenured and Researcher at the Center for Industrial Technical Education (CETI),  instructor of extracurricular entrepreneurship workshops at CETI Plantel Colomos. She is a member of the Academy of Mathematics Engineering Level at CETI. Intrapreneur and entrepreneur, she participates in networking events such as BNI, 10,000 women for Mexico, Global Mentoring Walk, IJALTI, IT Talks, RETO Zapopan, Inspira, ESMEX, GDL 2030-Enjambre Route Program and recently became a ToastMasters International member.  My motivation joining SBC community is to learn more about social entrepreneurship and social business in an international competition.


Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics (University of Guadalajara, Mexico, 2001), Master’s Degree in Science in Mathematics Teaching (University of Guadalajara, Mexico, 2006), Ph.D.  Higher Education Management (University of Guadalajara, Mexico, 2021).

Significant achievements

She has participated as a speaker in international and national conferences, meetings and research colloquiums on several occasions. She has publications in international and national journals. She carried out two research stays at the University of Montréal, a long stay at the Department of Administration and Research Foundations and a short stay at the Interdisciplinary Research and Higher Education Laboratory. She has had collaborations with the University of Guadalajara (UdeG), as well as with the Institute for the Development and Technology of Small and Medium Enterprises (IDITPYME) of CUCEA, with the University of Valle de Atemajac (UNIVA) with the Entrepreneurship Academy.


Specialist in Teaching Competencies from the National Pedagogical University.



Looking for business partners, Looking for investment opportunities

Current employment

Professor of Higher Education, Full-Time Tenured at Centro de Enseñanza Técnica Industrial


Probability and Statistics, Design of Experiments and Time Series subjects, Promotion of entrepreneurship public policies.

Motivation for social impact creation

Learn about the process of consolidating a social enterprise

Contributions to the SBC community

With the accompaniment of the competition, it is possible to share the Mexican context and promote differences for the creation of social enterprises

Sustainable Development Goals

GOAL 1: No Poverty, GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being, GOAL 4: Quality Education, GOAL 5: Gender Equality, GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production, GOAL 13: Climate Action, GOAL 15: Life on Land



Looking for collaborators

Research interests

Research in Policies for the promotion of entrepreneurship in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)

Current research projects

Management and processes for the promotion of entrepreneurship in HEIs, Organizational structures and behaviors of HEIs that promote entrepreneurship.

Selected publications

Reimagining together the future of CETI: a new contract for education in Mexico

Entrepreneurship and management. Analysis of the institutional policy of entrepreneurship

Análisis de la política de fomento del emprendimiento: el caso de la Universidad de Guadalajara

Análisis de la política de fomento del emprendimiento en un subsistema de educación en México.

SBC competition

Competition: look for projects

Active but not looking for new projects

Competition: look for members

Need more members

Website and social media