Basic info

First Name


Last Name


User name






Working languages




I’m a college student from Mexico, currently in my last year for a degree in actuarial sciences. I’m good with numbers. I love mathematics and statistics, as well as computer science.
Aside from exact sciences matters, I’m passionate about social matters too, specially gender equality and feminism. My goal in life is to know and listen to people’s needs and wishes for a life worth living. I want to spread love through the dedication, effort and quality of my work. I want my actions to stand out, but not just to feel better about myself, but to be a beacon of hope for people to join and be part of solutions for everyone. I want to make the world a better place.
I consider the stage of my life I’m currently in a period for personal growth and a lot of learning and acceptance. Right now, my biggest acomplishment is deciding to chase big dreams, even when doubt and fear creep sometimes. Life is not about never being scared or down, it is about keeping on moving through everything. This is why I’m excited to join the SBC community. I’m excited to explore bigger possibilities and expand my world learning from everyone in the community.


Actuarial Sciences degree (Universidad Anáhuac México, Mexico | August, 2019 – current)

Diplomat in Actuarial Computing (Universidad Anáhuac México, Mexico | January, 2023 – current)

Business Incubation program 2023 (Universidad Anáhuac México, Mexico | February, 2023 – current)

Explorer 2023, Program for entrepreneurs (Explorer Santander X | February, 2023 – current)


Significant achievements

Academic Excellence – In my university, every semester the 5% of the alumni with the highest GPA is given a recognition for their academic performance. This award has been given to me on 4 ocassions.

Concurso Emprende Anáhuac (3rd place) – The Anáhuac university organized a contest in which more than 140 teams with their ideas for an entrepreneurship participated. My team and I presented the idea that we want to continue developing being a part of the SBC community.



Powerpoint Certification Exam (Microsoft)

Word Certification Exam (Microsoft)

Excel Certification Exam (Microsoft)

Young Learners Teacher Certificate (Anglo)

English C1





Open to work, Open to new collaborations

Current employment

Student (Universidad Anáhuac México), entrepeneur in the making!


Actuarial Sciences

Motivation for social impact creation

I want to give hope to people. Hope is what keeps the heart going through any challenge in life. Overcoming adversities is necessary to achieve our souls' desires. With all of these, we find happiness and peace.

Contributions to the SBC community

I have big dreams and a strong work ethic. I want to share my plans with people who I can learn from and form strong forces to realize them.

Sustainable Development Goals

GOAL 4: Quality Education, GOAL 5: Gender Equality, GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth



Looking for collaborators, Active but not looking


Teaching experience

In the past, I have tutored my peers in Mathematics and English. Also, I worked as an instructor at a Kumon Center.

Teaching philosophy and method

I think the most important thing when teaching, is giving your students confidence. What makes a lesson memorable to someone, no matter the topic, is the lingering memory of having felt motivated. When teaching, it has to feel personal; there has to be a connection. Mutual care and learning is one of the most satisfying fruits of the teaching experience.

SBC competition

Competition: look for projects

Active but not looking for new projects, Alumni

Competition: look for members

Lab member