Purple Vietnam
Inclusive sex education for teens with edutainment comics and expert counseling
to stop gender issues
Project description
Purple Vietnam – Provide sex education via mobile app for teenagers and parents.
The link below is our video for the presentation of round 3:
Short description of the target social issue (about 100-200 words)
Nowadays, teenagers have to face a lot of gender traumas which are conducted into Gender dysphoria, Sexual Violence and Sexual Health. Through a great deal of research, we found that the shortage of sex education knowledge leads to many adolescents’ gender issues. There are two reliable channels for teenagers to learn about sex education including schools and parents. However, there are shortages which exist in these current knowledge sources. Firstly, parents who are considered as the most trusted sex education information, are struggling in teaching their children. The most common root cause comes from Vietnamese culture which expresses sex education as a restricted and sensitive topic for parents to talk with childrens. Besides, parents also lack reliable tools, despite the desire of letting their children learn about sex education. Secondly, sex education programs at school are implemented poorly with impractical and boring contents, as teenager’s opinions. Today, many teenagers obviously consider the internet and friends as sources for their sexual information, thereby growing a wrong mindset and causing many consequences later.
Short description of your social solution idea (about 100-200 words).
Purple Vietnam project was established with a vision of constructing a safer world where no more people struggle with gender issues. From there, Purple Vietnam aims to universal comprehensive sex education for teenagers through mobile apps and social activities. We provide teenagers and parents aged appropriate sex education knowledge through a mobile app which integrates edutainment comics, Affiliate Intelligence and expert advice. Our solution is able to fill the impact gaps by providing an interesting and age appropriate sex education channel for teenagers; and a reliable source for parents. At the same time, the project also aims to spread social impact values to disadvantaged teenagers through providing physical sex education comics and sponsors for organizations that have the same social impact goals.
We also provide our working papers and evidences, please click into each category below to access the file.
1. Silde presentation: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17p6_N8docImpo9I-ZRmIQUuZtP76t_9I/view?usp=sharing
2. Qualitative Research Report of Sex Education in Vietnam: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1w8TGbPhCeBZqFLw0rM1shdYE-dqs8Pnw?usp=share_link
3. Market Report of Vietnam Sex Education by Purple Vietnam, 2023: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Gi3owTD32PdeDUDU9Gik37UNWOd2xZf3/view?usp=drive_link
4. Product Prototype: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1QPYIpOSWngDGfixCRb-C4vL_mXc8gsmD?usp=drive_link
5. Quantitative Research Report of Concept Testing with teenagers https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LUy6BwtoXw7gkTM8IMTGRJTNmibbdAcn/view?usp=share_link
6. Quantitative Research Report of Concept Testing with Parents https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ad215uQAdjKs-cTvElr8GTaxIgxLhfgN/view?usp=share_link
7. Working evidences:
- Qualitative research evidences: Interview record and transcript, Guideline interview
- Quantitative research evidences: Parents answer sheet, Teenagers answer sheet
- Qualitative data of Sex Education market research
- Quantitative data of Sex Education market research
- Cost vs Revenue estimation
- Crowdfunding campaign
- Stakeholder endorsement