SBC Community Forums

Global platform to promote social entrepreneurship through education, research, and advocacy

Members Forums TOT 2023 Research Reply To: Research

  • Mai Thanh Dang

    March 12, 2023 at 12:28 am

    To get started, I would like to propose some specific ideas related to the topic:

    1. Analyze the challenges faced by women entrepreneurs when starting up in social businesses, and compare them to the challenges faced by men in similar industries.

    2. Investigate the effectiveness of current policies and support systems in addressing the barriers faced by women entrepreneurs in social businesses.

    3. Conduct a comparative analysis of women-owned and men-owned social businesses, exploring factors such as funding, access to networks, and support systems.

    4. Examine the impact of cultural and societal norms on the participation of women in social businesses, and explore strategies for promoting greater gender diversity in this field.

    5. Identify the key success factors for women entrepreneurs in social businesses, and develop a framework for supporting their success.

    6. Explore the role of mentoring and coaching in supporting women entrepreneurs in social businesses, and investigate the most effective forms of mentorship and coaching for this group.

    7. Investigate the impact of personal characteristics such as age, education, and experience on the success of women entrepreneurs in social businesses.

    Please feel free to comment and make your suggestions.