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Members Forums CECAUV – A.I.R.E. Crowdfunding Reply To: Crowdfunding

  • Alejandro Salvador Lara Utrera

    March 4, 2023 at 3:54 am

    – We obtained a monetary donation from the Intervention and Evaluation Center for comprehensive neurodevelopment training, where first aid training was provided to staff.
    – The training provided to parents of the Mexican Association of Help to Children in the Fight against Cancer (AMANC).
    – Donation by the Popular Autonomous University of Veracruz, to provide first aid training to its students, along with the presentation of the A.I.R.E.
    – Training was provided to the employees of the Anthurium hotel, Jacomulco, Veracruz, obtaining a monetary investment for our social project.
    – We have the support of human resources, electromedical equipment for workshops and laboratories for product testing provided by the Universidad Veracruzana, Faculty of Nursing, Veracruz Region.
    – We have support for technological development, construction of prototypes and performance tests by the Center for Micro and Nanotechnology of the Universidad Veracruzana, Veracruz Region.
    – Monetary donation of Juana Velázquez Rodríguez, founder of the CPR association of nurses, interested in A.I.R.E.
    – There is a work agreement for glove technology with COVEICYDET (Veracruz Council of Scientific Research and Technological Development).
    – There is development of technological support, manufacture of the prototype and performance tests by Dr. Jaime Martínez Castillo. Director of the Center for Research in Micro and Nanotechnology (MICRONA).
    – Support in the development of technology and creation of the app by Dr. Rubén Rodríguez Huerta, Master of Science in Micro and Nanosystems.
    – Support in the development of technology, prototype manufacturing and performance tests by the electrical engineer Daniel Alejandro Lara López, Master of Science in Micro and Nanosystems.
    – Support in terms of dissemination and human resources by the academic secretary of the Veracruz region of the Universidad Veracruzana, Claudia Beatriz Enríquez Hernández.
    – Support in human resources and liaison with the government of the state of Veracruz for the director of youth and entrepreneurship Irmin Álvarez.
    – Support in human resources of the legal and technical representative of the Business Organizing Council (CONEM) Jesús Ortiz Yépez.