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Members Forums MamaNest Prepare for Business Growth Reply To: Prepare for Business Growth

  • Mahsa Rezaei

    May 18, 2023 at 1:45 pm

    Hi Yen. Thanks for this useful discussion. Actually this round is I think a little more challenging for MamaNest than the rest!

    We have our prototypes ready! Back in Iran we used to make profit out of the courses and paper planners and etc. The application was not launched in Iran, so I don’t have a clear business model for that. But on Sunday I’m going to meet Daniel Caissy about the Application Business model.

    Besides I already negotiated with one of the community centres in Montreal as well as two colleges as Business Partners. I need to finalize their partnership with Mamanest.

    Do you think I should focus on only Quebec? I was thinking of Canada as the “Place” of my persona which is an immigrant mom