Alumni Van Anh Nguyen Alumni @vananhnguyen126 Social media Remove Connection Are you sure you want to remove from your connections? Timeline Achievements Connections 1 Circle 4 Groups 3 Profile Documents Forums Basic info First Name Van Anh Last Name Nguyen User name vananhnguyen126 Country Vietnam Gender Female Full name Nguyá»…n Vân Anh Working languages English, Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt) Bio About My name is Van Anh Nguyen. I am an economics and psychology student in Bangkok, Thailand. My personal mantra is “learn, earn, and return.” Education I am in year 1 of the IB diploma. Significant achievements I was the top 10 performers in the regional round of World Economics Cup earning the award of the highest distinction. Certifications Later. Business Business Open to new collaborations Current employment Student Expertise Economics and Psychology Motivation for social impact creation "learn, earn, and return" Contributions to the SBC community I am an SBC alumni. Sustainable Development Goals GOAL 4: Quality Education, GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality, GOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions Research Research Looking for collaborators Research interests I am excited to research the educational climate of different regions in the world and how we can TRULY make learning a right for all. Current research projects GLOCAL IELTS Selected publications N/A SBC competition Competition: look for projects Look for new project(s) Website and social media Website
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