Basic info

First Name


Last Name


User name






Full name

Christian Ysrael Jandayan Salces

Working languages

English, Filipino



23 year old dreamer currently residing in the Philippines! I’m a college student in FEU Tech’s Computer Science department, currently specializing in Software Engineering. Despite being a late bloomer, me and my team are well-versed in some common languages such as C++, C#, Java, PHP and Python, and have competed and won in some design pitching events, as well as created a few personal projects that have withstood the test of time.

One of my (and subsequently, our team’s) driving goals is to truly be part of the pioneers of change- that is, in every project we do, we strive to do it with the community in mind.

In joining the SBC community, I hope to communicate my goals to a larger audience. Simultaneously, through this experience, it is my wish to experience humanity’s greatest gift: knowledge. To experience how it will be communicated, how it will be passed on to future generations, and how to leverage existing knowledge to our best abilities.


BSCS (FEU Tech, expected graduation date 2026).

Significant achievements


2nd Place Best Pitch Deck, Design Thinking Summit (FEU Tech, 2024)

  • Prototyped an alternative battery solution in order to help mitigate current e-waste effects on the environment


Team Leader, Philippine Carabao Center 2019 Youth Camp

  • Spearheaded a group of 16-18 year olds through series of camp activities including team-building, entrepreneurship events, talent-building events, as well as agriculture work


Overcoming Adversity:

  • As someone who started college at the age of 22, it is one of my greatest personal achievements to still be standing here- a testament of will and adversity, to keep pushing through life.


SBC competition

Competition: look for projects

Look for new project(s)

Website and social media