Basic info

First Name


Last Name


User name






Full name

Dương Ánh Sáng

Working languages

English, Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt)



Aiming to improve leadership skills and expand networks with open-minded and smart, business-oriented people around the northern of Viet Nam and worldwide, I am on a process to learn how to be driven by a strong sense of purpose and a desire to make a meaningful impact in people’s lives.

Significant achievements

– Vice president of Young researchers’ club

– Leader of communication department of Young researchers’ club

– Research assistant for 2 published researchs.




Looking for business partners, Looking for investment opportunities, Open to new collaborations

Current employment

Marketing executive at Anfarm


content marketing

Motivation for social impact creation

To transfer clear, ,helpful, sympathy messages to any group of people especially women who are in poor, disadvantages, discrimination.

Contributions to the SBC community

I along with my team as activators and entrepreneurs sustainable agriculture development methods

Sustainable Development Goals

GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being, GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production, GOAL 15: Life on Land



Looking for collaborators

Research interests

My team are interested in aging indicators in women and methods to slow down the process of aging among women at certain ages. We will be pleasured if there are collaborators majored in cosmetics, chemicals or even nutrition & health to support our purpose to prevent aging together on.

Current research projects

We are supposed to find out the measurement of aging generally regardless of ages among women. After a measurement created, we want to offer our female customers at first (men later on) nutrition schedule for both refreshment and supplement.

Selected publications

Anfarm provides service solutions and food combos for people depending on demand. However, We do not only provide a combo for suitable needs, but we also create a greater charm of green & healthy living style in today’s world.

SBC competition

Competition: look for projects

Active but not looking for new projects

Competition: look for members

Lab member