Basic info

First Name

Lorena San Juan

Last Name

Rodriguez Maldonado

User name






Full name

Lorena San Juan Rodriguez Maldonado

Working languages

English, German (Deutsch), Spanish (Español)



My name is Lorena San Juan Rodriguez, Currently studying naval architecture, my goals are to explore ways to help keep our oceans clean and safe  while helping social causes and develop new ways to improve ship designs in order to reduce its carbon print. My accomplishments are : to help develop in Mexican Navy  a new Maintenance Management system for all the fleet, that now is been used and had help to optimize the resources and to take part in Naval Academy Foreign Affair Conferences in 2016, with the topic Women in Mexican Navy and to be Chief engineer in a Stand Patrol as Mechanical Engineer.My motivation is to raise founds to help society vulnerable sectors trough an entrepreneur project that provides recreational services that create ocean awareness in young people.


1.Electronic Technician (CBtis 220, 2012)

2. Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineer (Mexican Naval Academy, 2017)

Significant achievements

1. Honorific Mention given by Mexican Navy for  develop high impact operations

2. Perseverance medal given by Mexican Navy for 10 years of service

3. Won an essay contest in Mexican Naval Academy, that gave me the opportunity to attend the Naval Academy Foreign Affair Conference in 2016




1.Firefighting and first aid certification by CECACIPA (Mexican Navy´s Pacific Training Center)

2. Toefl IELTS certification

3. DAMEN certification in software MXsuite



Looking for business partners, Looking for investment opportunities, Open to new collaborations

Current employment

Secretaria de Marina


Specialized in software for Maintenance Management in ships

Motivation for social impact creation

To create ocean awareness in young people while having fun and raising funds to help vulnerable sectors of people

Sustainable Development Goals

GOAL 4: Quality Education, GOAL 14: Life Below Water



Active but not looking

SBC competition

Competition: look for projects

Looking for new project(s)

Competition: look for members

Lab leader