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Full name

Trịnh Thị Hải Yến

Working languages

Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt)



My name is Yen Trinh- founder of Karuna Vietnam Social Enterprise and ThanhHoa Youth Change Makers.

Before establishing Karuna Vietnam Social Enterprise and ThanhHoa Youth Change Makers, I had worked in different projects from health and education and policy advocacy in agriculture. At that time, I also witnessed leadership crisis happening in our world, and there was a high demand for change makers – future leaders who care for environment and sustainability, leading by examples. So, I believe that young people who can be change agents will make our society better.


Karuna in Sankrit means compassion. We practice “compassion” in organizational culture and activities. Now, we are working in community development and youth empowerment. We designed educational projects based on project based learning approach to raise awareness of young people on climate change and sustainable development goals at locality like fund-raising for planting trees, workshop on climate change, project management, change makers, trash Halloween so on. Over the past 2 years, we focus on building an ecosystem for happy bees in the mountainous areas, protected forests, which is considered as a solution that mitigate climate change, save the bees and forests and reduce poverty.


2014-2015: The University of Southampton, UK

MSc. Project Management with Merit


2007-2012: National Economics UniversityBsc. Banking & Finance with excellence

Significant achievements


• Representative of Asean Youth Fellowship funded by National YouthSingapore and Singapore International Friends 2022

• Coach selected under ISEE- COVID which supports Social impactbusiness in Vietnam under UNDP, Canada Embassy and Foreign TradeUniversity 2022

• Mentor for YBOX platform (one of the youth largest platforms in Vietnam)2022

• Mentor for ARUSEA entrepreneurship project organized by Bridge forBillions 2022

• Representative of Vietnam join Asean-Australia Emerging Leadersprogram 2021

• Awarded Hackathon4Resilient from CSIP Vietnam 2021

• Selected to attend YSEALI Workshop FuturePreneurs in Thailand2020-2022

• Panel at SVstart-up project organized by MOET 2021 and 2022• ABG Leadership scholarship

• An online SDG advocate for My world 2030 Asia- Pacific, UN volunteer-one of 50 youth change makers in Asia-Pacific 2019


• Coach selected under ISEE- COVID which supports Social impactbusiness in Vietnam under UNDP, Canada Embassy and Foreign Trade

University 2022business in Vietnam under UNDP, Canada Embassy and Foreign Trade University 2022



Looking for business partners, Looking for investment opportunities, Hiring now, Open to new collaborations

Current employment

Founder cum CEO of Karuna Vietnam Social Enterprise


Visionary, strategic thinking, mental and physical agility, creativity, analytical thinking, human development and training , ability to handle heavy workload, carefulness and quick to learn new things, B2 driving license- ability to drive in a long journey . MS project office, planning and budgeting, monitoring skill, time-management, strategic planning, proposal writing skill, research skill, reporting, facilitating, and policy advocacy skill

Motivation for social impact creation

In response to climate change, we need a concerted effort from different players from individuals, communities, companies, governments and inter-governments towards sustainability. From my understanding and capacity, I founded ThanhHoa Youth Change Makers in order to create enabling environment for local young people to have a platform to share, learn and act towards climate change, sustainable development and entrepreneurship. Furthermore, I founded Karuna Vietnam Social Enterprise which which aims to create high quality related honey products in order to nurture forests, save the bees, mitigate climate change and improve highland education via Karuna eco-bee programs. We have a strong motivation on environmental protection, to collaborate with us, bee- keepers need to put their beehives in the conversation forest, so they need to protect the forest and plant more trees and brushes that bees love, which in turn reduce CO2 footprint. We are designing and applying circular economy in our production. We are the pioneer in this initiative, so if we succeed, we can franchise to many farms with similar conditions, and share my lessons learned to others.

Contributions to the SBC community

I am happy to share my entrepreunal journey, my insights and my expertise • We have planted more than 5000 trees, organized more than 20 workshops on SDGs, climate change, project management and donate 2 community libraries for the local people • In this year, we transfer bee- keeping technical skills to Vin village where is in poverty in Thuong Xuan district, Thanh Hoa province.

Sustainable Development Goals

GOAL 1: No Poverty, GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being, GOAL 4: Quality Education, GOAL 5: Gender Equality, GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality, GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production, GOAL 13: Climate Action, GOAL 15: Life on Land, GOAL 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal

SBC competition

Competition: look for projects

Active but not looking for new projects

Competition: look for members

Lab member

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