Basic info

First Name


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Full name

Mayssam Daaboul

Working languages

English, French (Français), Arabic (العربية)



Ethical Economist and founder of Carpe Verum, a management consulting firm and a Business & Economics Lecturer at “Institut Superieur des Sciences Appliquées et Economiques – Le CNAM” and the “American University of Science & Technology” – Lebanon. Speaker and trainer in the fields of innovation and emotional intelligence. He has diverse experience in various industries ranging from medical, pharma, online, retail, and NGO, to several other industries. He is a member of the Honorable Regional and Global Judging Committees of the 6th edition of the Social Business Creation competition for the education and development of social entrepreneurs, University of HEC Montreal, Canada. He was also rewarded the SBC Ambassador for the 7th edition of the Social Business Creation competition.


BS – Biology (University of Balamand, Lebanon, 2003)

MS – Microbiology ((University of Balamand, Lebanon, 2007)

Advanced MS – Biotechnical Management (Ecole Superieure du Commerce, Grenoble, 2013)

DBA – (Grenoble Doctoral School, France, 2020)

Significant achievements

Honoured trainer and partner of the Lebanese Army Forces and the Lebanese Security Forces

Moderator, mentor and affiliate of Sensorica OVN; one of the oldest Open source hardware manufacturing organizations in the world.

Business & Economics lecturer at “Institut Superieur des Sciences Appliquées et Economiques – Le CNAM” and the University of Science & Technology – Beirut Lebanon


Ambassador of the Social Business Creation department – University HEC Montreal

Judge & Trainer at the global social business creation competition at the Social Business Creation department – University HEC Montreal

Recognition of excellence by Grenoble Doctoral School – France, in Research management Sciences (CRMS).



Looking for investment opportunities, Open to new collaborations

Current employment

Founder – Carpe Verum


Ethical Economist – Management & Operations – Emotional intelligence

Motivation for social impact creation

Social impact creation is essential in imagining and building new business and economic practices that are sure to help us sustain the individual, society and our planet.

Contributions to the SBC community

Judge & Trainer – 6th edition of the Social Business Creation. SBC Ambassador Award – 7th edition of the Social Business Creation.

Sustainable Development Goals

GOAL 1: No Poverty, GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being, GOAL 4: Quality Education, GOAL 6: Clean Water and Sanitation, GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, GOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions, GOAL 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal



Looking for collaborators


Teaching experience

University: Faculty of Business  & Economics at the American University of Science & Technology, Lebanon – 7 years.

Courses: Consumer Behaviour, The Social Production Theory & Commons-Based Peer Production, Marketing Management.

University: Institut Superieur des Sciences Appliquées et Economiques, Le CNAM, Lebanon – 1 year.

Courses: Design Thinking


Teaching philosophy and method

Design thinking acts as a foundation for learning and education. Empathy being its first and essential step, it opens the door to seeing the world from different perspectives.

Constantly studying assumptions, asking questions and seeking to see the full picture by understanding and feeling other people and parties and most importantly asking: How and Why?

In order to start such a journey, most of the teaching methods should be “outside-the-box”; constantly engaging and challenging student’s minds to further explore and constantly seek the truth.