Basic info

First Name

Luz María Cortés

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Full name

Luz María Cortés Gutiérrez

Working languages

Spanish (Español)



The social challenge and what motivates me to do it is in favor of humanity and the culture of life that we have represented to be reaching a collapse of violence and repercussions of vulnerability that we possess as a human species. It is incredible how with so much technology, humanity is collapsing the planet, starting with an emotional collapse, daily, decadent in addictions, emotional disability to relate to each other and to be able to represent from each individual a state of congruence, peace, generosity and social and global responsibility. Climate change, saving animal species, arguing for more laws in favor of women and children would not be necessary, if today humanity were alive and aware of the wonder that we represent. For me it is urgent to save humanity from itself and its ignorance, a poor culture of life that leads us to constant, real and daily destruction. Designing exponential methodologies that support us to resume the course of being and existing as a species, formats of socio-emotional help in favor of the internal peace of each individual will add the collective one of a world peace. I have designed and tested since 2018 the Humanizate yourself methodology, an exponential system in 7 steps that works beyond creeds, religions, countries and cultures. Well, it addresses in a practical way the socio-emotional problems of humanity. It is strategically aimed at young people, women and companies. To be applied exponentially and achieve a social climate of peace in a short time, transform communities into highly productive communities. Humanize yourself is a reconstruction system for peace, to prevent addictions, to strengthen intergenerational bonds and it can be applied with human beings of any age.



Open to new collaborations

Sustainable Development Goals

GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being, GOAL 4: Quality Education, GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality