SBC103 case

To fulfill its vision and mission, Dancesmart has gathered teammates with professional expertise to meet the needs of the organization, so that the performance is significantly increased.
Succession planning.
With every project that Dancesmart deploys, there are always potential Managers to manage that project and team, but to avoid stagnation when any leading position resigns, Dancesmart always has a replacement because Dancesmart management according to professional positions rather than simply managing and depending on people, and so are leadership positions. When vision and capacity decline, there will always be an alternate successor to continue the leading mission.
Forecast of human resources.
Dancesmart always has a technology team ready for the next transformation, even though it is not active at the moment, these personnel will always be a great benefit in the future. For example, last year, although they were not in the main revenue generating team, they still researched and waited for the opportunity to explode, and this year Dancemilling – Robot Developer Kit was officially nominated and closed. A significant angle in Dancesmart’s total revenue through orders.
B. Deploy a flexible workforce.
1. Scroll through functions:
The contact and learning between different positions is a rewarding job, but Dancesmart does not spend too much time on this, except for some leadership positions that require a broad understanding, all positions are Other minds focus on their own expertise.
2. Project teams.
In order to maintain the dynamic plan and generate safe revenue, Dancesmart always creates new project groups for continuous operation, running many projects in parallel regardless of the main business models.
II/ Talent management and development:
A/ Engage and retain employees:
Career development program.
Dancesmart always has a certain promotion route from employee to manager and leadership position.
Recognition and reward.
Dancesmart does not focus on a fixed monthly salary, but rewards according to work performance so that employees are more motivated to work.
Build a culture of purpose.
Directing people towards the common goals of the whole organization.
Open projects that create social impact.
Dancesmart doesn’t have this activity yet.
B/ Improve learning and skills.
Continuous learning initiative.
Share knowledge and research materials publicly between positions.
Job rotation.
Dancesmart always rotates jobs because usually employees will have from 2 professional knowledge.
Training on social innovation.
Dissemination and training through each meeting.
Organize community integration programs.
Business meeting trips.
III. Optimizing staff capacity:
A. Performance Management:
1. Get feedback and provide performance training: Establish a good performance management system that includes discussions for feedback, and regular training and development. For example, conduct quarterly performance reviews to provide specific feedback on employees’ strengths and areas for improvement, and provide guidance on how to improve their performance.
2. Performance-based incentives: Implement a performance-based incentive system to reward employees for achieving specific goals or targets. For example, a sales team can receive bonuses based on meeting or exceeding sales goals, motivating and aligning individual efforts with organizational goals.
3. Developing Social Impact Indicators: Incorporating social impact indicators into the performance evaluation process.
4. Recognition of Social Impact: Implement programs to recognize and celebrate employee contributions to social impact initiatives. This could include awards for innovative solutions, testimonials from beneficiaries, or public recognition for outstanding efforts in creating positive change.
B. Flexibility in workforce layout:
1. Flexible work arrangements: Offer flexible work arrangements, such as the option to work remotely, flexible hours, or compressed workweeks. This meets the diverse needs and interests of employees while maintaining productivity.
2. Map skills and use them: Regularly assess employee skills and competencies and tailor them to project requirements or organizational development needs. This ensures that employees are assigned tasks where they can effectively leverage their strengths and expertise.
C. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing:
1. Community of practice: Foster a community of practice within the organization, where employees can share insights, best practices, and lessons learned related to social impact work . This can be done through regular meetings, online platforms or cross-functional workshops.
2. Collaboration between departments: Encourage collaboration and knowledge sharing between different departments to improve

Utilize diverse perspectives and expertise. By implementing effective HR strategies, organizations can optimize their human resources to meet current and future business needs. Strategic workforce planning, talent management, and employee optimization play a vital role in effectively mobilizing human resources.
The art of inspiring the group
I. Leadership by example:
A. Demonstrating Integrity and Ethical Conduct:
1. Transparency: Be open and transparent in your communication with the team. Share information on social impact initiatives, progress and challenges.
2. Ethical decision-making: Maintain high ethical standards and demonstrate integrity in decision-making
3. Social Impact Engagement: Lead by actively participating in social impact activities and initiatives. Participate in volunteer work or community service projects with team members
B. Demonstrating a Growth Mindset:
1. Continuous learning: Nurture a culture of continuous learning by encouraging team members to expand their knowledge and skills. Lead by example and invest in your personal and professional growth
2. Treat failure as a learning opportunity: Encourage a growth mindset by celebrating failures as valuable learning experiences. Share stories of personal failures and the lessons you learned from them. Cultivate an environment where team members feel comfortable taking risks and learning from their mistakes.
II. Clear Vision and Purpose:
A. Communicating a Persuasive Vision:
1. Create an impact-driven cross-cutting story: Clearly communicate the organization’s social vision and the impact it can have on individuals, communities or the environment. Share success stories and case studies highlighting the positive changes your organization has made.
2. Align personal values with social mission: Help team members connect their personal values with the organization’s social mission. Encourage open discussions about personal motivations and social issues that resonate with team members. Facilitating activities allows team members to discover the alignment between their values and the purpose of the organization.
B. Emphasize the Importance of Team Purpose:
1. Celebrate Milestones and Achievements: Recognize and celebrate milestones, both large and small, to recognize the team’s progress toward a common goal. This can be done through team celebrations, thank-you notes in team meetings, or personalized thank-you notes.
2. Share stories of impact: Continually share stories of how team work is making a positive difference. This may involve gathering testimonials from customers, partners or beneficiaries who have directly benefited from the team’s efforts. Sharing these stories reinforces the team’s purpose and the meaningful impact they’re making.
C. Strengthening the importance of social impact:
1. Impact metrics and progress reporting: Regularly communicate organizational impact metrics and progress towards social goals. Share a report or visual presentation of the positive changes that have been achieved. This reinforces the team’s sense of purpose and the importance of their work.
2. Involvement of beneficiaries: Provide opportunities for team members to engage directly with beneficiaries in the organization’s social initiatives. This could be organizing community visits, interacting with beneficiaries or volunteering activities. These experiences allow team members to witness the impact firsthand and strengthen their connection to the organization’s social purpose.
III. Empower and develop team members:
A. Provide autonomy and trust:
1. Project Owner Rights: Specify ownership rights of team members for specific social impact projects or initiatives. Provide guidance and support while allowing them autonomy in decision making and problem solving. This empowers team members to take responsibility and exercise their creative and leadership skills in addressing societal challenges.
2. Trust in their expertise: Show confidence in the expertise and abilities of team members. Encourage them to contribute their unique skills and perspectives to social impact initiatives. Provide a platform for team members to share their ideas and take the lead in implementing solutions to social problems.
B. Develop skills for social impact:
1. Social Entrepreneurship Training: Offers training programs or seminars focused on developing business skills for social impact.
