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Social Mantras

“By ​​creating sustainable bags, Greencat aims to restore cotton plants for economic independent towards minorities”


Green Cat needs an effective brand communication strategy to 

amplified your mission close to end users

Murmur Working Cafe was established in 2022 as a coffee house suitable for people working and meeting. Murmur strategy to become your local favorite working cafe while being a fully independent and women-owned

Mur Mur got to know Greencat through a workshop organized by WECV and got intrigued by the passion of the ladies behind the business, which is to bring a unique combination with cultural products to the public. As we learn further, their product is not only unique but also sustainable as they use traditional fabric using natural dye and made by our minorities of the Northern region. As a start up, they would love to support other startups; hence, Murmur chose Greencat as a partner. 

As a direct contact person between Green Cat and end users, Mur Mur suggests educating the customers more about the material they are using as in reality have a brand sign display on the shelf as well and flyers to educate about the brand and materials.

Interview records: Could you give us some suggestions for improving our products 

Partners surveys: Partner survey

Evidence photo from other stakeholder representative:


“Products are beautiful, meaningful and have high social impact”

Source surveys: Customer survey

Evidence from surveys: 34/53 answers



Green Cat’s priority goal is to preserve minority textiles that have less negative impact on the environment and to restore cotton plants that catalyze transformative change within their communities in 2030”




Gender equity

487 Minorities members in Hoa Binh

  • 2019 – 2023: 08 members in 2 of cooperatives
  • 2024 onwards: 487 members in total 5 of Cooperatives (expect reach 70% in this rate)

30  Minorities artisans in Ha Giang

  • 2019: 15 members
  • Present: 30 members

04   Women in workplace


100% women

in vulnerable group

(minority, single mom, middle aged)


Life on land

Climate Action

100%  Textiles from natural, biodegradable

  • Hemp,Handwoven cotton, Cork

10%    Recycle resources

  • Recycled polyester, Washable paper, Zipper
  • 2019 – present: key product line

Organic cotton fibers

  • 2024 – 2030: new product line for scale up stage


Handwoven process

Natural  dyeing

Less harmful to planet

Animal friendly


Partnership for goals


Consumption and Production

22       Retails stores

  • 2019:
  • Present:

07       Online marketplace

  • 2020: Etsy, Meanwhile (France); Chus (VN)
  • Present: Shopee, Lazada, Tik Tok, Myokies
12   store in HCM

05   store in Danang

05    store in other cities


Partnerships for the goals

Top 30 regional

 in SBC global competition – round 2

06 groups

  • WECV community
  • Nexus community
  • VCCI network
  • AWE Alumni
  • Circo Alumni
  • SBC community


Contract & Email with clients – Communities

Source References: 


We take action to achieve and expand product market fit


We released our very first design in the France Exhibition coordinated with our partner, which is also France’s local brand and did some customer insight feedback. Green Cat returned to Vietnam and began releasing our first bag collection. 

Since 2019 to present, Green Cat have been welcomed at 20 Gift Shop stores in the major cities such as Ho Chi Minh City, Ha Noi and tourism cities as Da Nang, Hoi An, Nha Trang, Can Tho.

  1. From the first concept: (Create sustainable bag prototype)

2. Go to market:(2019 – Present)



  • Sustainable fashion bag:

We received positive feedback from customers and had steady revenue growth for years. However, we realize that since the upheaval of the Covid epidemic and the economic downturn in the market, consumption behavior has changed and the market has also transformed rapidly and we realize it is necessary to have a wise change in the strategy for adaptation towards a market’s  needs.

Reference: Consumer trend 2023 – 2024 

When considering changes for development, we listen carefully to all feedback from our stakeholders and realize that we should focus on a wise strategy to have strong development and be able to replicate the ability to have a beneficial impact on the related parties and community. 

Evidence:  Surveys from Partners; Customer surveys 


Meanwhile, there is also good news received from the Muong women that the cotton growing area has stabilized after the first years (2008) of planting accompanied the Muong women until now (2023). The planting area from 1000m2 has expanded to 5000m2.


Cotton was once considered a “poverty alleviation” crop in ethnic minority areas, because the soil and weather here are very suitable, allowing this crop to thrive and yield high yields. During its “golden age” in the years 2000 – 2005, Konchoro had a cotton growing area of ​​nearly 3,000 hectares and then gradually decreased to less than 200 hectares. The reason for the decrease in cotton acreage is that the income of this crop in recent years has been insignificant, people have proactively destroyed cotton gardens and switched to growing other economic crops such as cassava and sugarcane. and beans of all kinds. According to online news Dangcongsan.vn, 23/7/2014.


Source Reference: information about cotton fact; Process to get USDA cert; Máy tách hạt cotton con lăn dùng trong phòng lab Testex TB510C (imall.vn)

For more information about cotton:

  1.  Cotton plant failed – VN sub
  2. Government approved the program to develop Vietnam’s cotton crop until 2015, with an orientation to 2020

When Green Cat came to meet the Muong women listened to their expectation of restoring cotton. We understand and sympathize with their enthusiasm because we are also on the journey to find and to promote traditional fabric in Vietnam. Green Cat also expressed our desire for long-term cooperation. We set our short term goal to consume their hand-woven cotton fabric to the urban market. In the near future, we would work with them to find a plan to restore the cultivation of cotton.

The journey to restore the first cotton field

2008 2009 2019 2022 2023 – 2024
A few household still keep retain cotton fibers to weave a sample of cotton fabrics and sell to Green Cat Mrs. Bin (Muong woman) had to collect from each household because they still kept the yarn and cotton making tools to weave fabric to provide Green Cat during our  first trial tests. The crop season was damaged and Muong women lost all their seeds and completely stopped growing cotton.  Green Cat found and bought cotton seeds and in 2023 Muong women planted their first crop.  Cotton planted over 1,000 square meters and harvested 70-80 kg of cotton, woven with traditional wooden frames to produce 800 meters of 36cm fabric. 

In 2024, the seeds are expanding to other cooperatives in the Muong and Thai communities in Tan Lap, Mai Chau and Thanh Hoa with a total cotton growing area of ​​about 5,000 square meters.


We shared the story of the Muong people’s desire to restore cotton to the community in the garment manufacturing industry and received positive feedback along with promising prospects for purchasing cotton fibers from representative of Alvin & Ashley Enterprise Limited – Avin & Ashley HK website

According to Decision No.29/QD-TTG of the Prime Minister: Approving the Program to develop Vietnam’s cotton crop by 2015, with a vision to 2020. It shows that the state is interested in restoring cotton in 2010, due to the huge domestic and export demand to consume fiber. However, the purchasing price at that time was not attractive enough and the guiding policy had many shortcomings, so it did not attract a large number of farmers to participate in this project.

  1. Cotton growing area will increase in 2020 – 2030 – VN sub 

Cotton fiber is the main raw material to create cotton fabric – the most used fabric in the world today. This is also where raw materials play an important role in the industrial chain supporting the textile industry.

Although according to statistics from 2008 – 2023, Vietnam is still a country with fiber and yarn export potential, always ranked in the top 10 in the world. However, Vietnam still depends on importing cotton fiber from China and India. The price of cotton imported into Vietnam in May 2021 was at 1,919 USD/ton, an increase of 101 USD/ton compared to April 2021 and an increase of 323 USD/ton compared to May 2020, an increase of 5.56% compared to April 2021. April 2021 and increased by 20.23% compared to the same period in May 2020. Credit: VITIC

With the great demand for using cotton fiber sources and with the advantage of growing areas with suitable natural conditions for growing cotton in Hoa Binh, we believe that Green Cat can coordinate with the Muong people to create a Cotton Farm modeling. The biggest goal is to supply domestically to reduce dependence on external imports. From there, we create a stable economy for the more people in Hoa Binh who join us in this scheme.

Why Hoa Binh Province


According to the representative of Luc Nghiep Thanh Cooperative, Hoa Binh, according to so and so, the minority community groups are cultivating cotton in a natural way on lands with enough moisture for the plants and little irrigation, and the experimental growing area has increased.  And according to the document source agroforestry system in Hoa Binh, the potential for agricultural development in Hoa Binh province is still large.

Source reference: agroforestry system in hoa binh; Decision Planning for Hoa Binh province for the period 2021 – 2030, vision to 2050

According to Decision No 1648/QD- TTg dated 20/12/2023 from the Prime Ministry approved for zoning Hoa Binh from 2021 – 2023, division to 2025. In the highlight note, important issues to invest in include Green Agriculture, Ecotourism, Electricity industry…



To be able to implement the cotton restoration project, we need more resources from various fields. so we proactively sought help from experts and advisors to accompany us. By sharing about our journey and our ambition, Green Cat has inspired the inspiration and empathy of new members who agree to participate in the project.

  • Human Capital:

We come from various fields and have sharing the same  belief towards sustainable development value for our community

  • Social Capital:

We participate in many events organized by reputable organizations to learn and receive further advice for better development strategy. 


Green Cat  proactively approached and successfully engaged 2 mentors agreed to help our cotton project

For good VN: 

Email mentoring & support Greencat Project


Email Trainer Pham Van Cuong – Best B 

SBC Coach: Trịnh Thị Thúy Hồng; Nguyễn Thị Quỳnh; Hồ Quang Nhật
  • Valuable intellectual capital:

  • Financial Capital

Equity Capital Working Capital Investment Capital
  • Ownership take

Evidence: company registration in confidential folder

  • Inventory: Green Cat & 20 retails warehouse
  • Accounts receivable: from 20 retails partner
  • Accounts payable: materials, no dept to suppliers
  • Individual investment from Green Cat network
  • Financial plan for cotton fiber project

Evidence: in confidential folder

 According to an online survey and interview from our partners and customers

  • Most of the answers come from our partners when choosing to cooperate with Green Cat because of the brand story, beautiful design and natural materials. 
  • Most of the answers came from customers participating in the survey, mostly between the ages of 35 – 45 with a high average income. They learned about Green Cat from their gifts. And they all agreed to continue
    • supporting Green Cat because through us we will contribute to supporting the development of ethnic minority women and supporting the sustainable development of the cotton plant to make good benefits for minorities and their next  generations.
    • However, our products are mainly suitable for the tastes of foreign customers and not suitable for the tastes of domestic customers, and the communication of the brand story has not been promoted well to reach the majority of the number of consumers who are adopting the habit of online shopping.

    Evidence: customer survey 52 answers; partners surveys 7 answers

    Video interview Mur Mur owner – one of Green Cat partners:As for the above advantages and disadvantages, could you give GreenCat any suggestions to improve?

  • By continuing towards sustainable development that is beneficial to the community, the environment and Green Cat’s business model. Our goals “To be a changemaker business that creates sustainable positive change for minority communities and the environment”  in 2025 are as follows:
    Sustainable Fashion Bags Cotton Fibers
    Branding Strategy & Products development Investment  & Market Engagement 

  • B3. Risk management
    • The analysis is based on valid data from statistics, interviews, observations,etc.
    • Proof of benchmarking on the industry’s practice
    Statistic Source: VCOSA July,2021 Source: Vietnam Economic news May 24
    • Place: link interview urban engineer
    • People: link interview agriculture engineer
    • Product & Price: link interview Ms. Duong & surveys result from 52 answer
    • Government: link interview Ms. Vinh
    • Business: link interview Ms. Giang Bitis

    Ref: Articles about Bitis & Ms. Giang

    • Social: link interview Nexus
    Observation Between the development potential of cotton fiber and the connection between the bag product line with Green Cat’s actual resources. We choose a phased development roadmap, engage with the government to minimize risks for projects that add value with stakeholders collaborating with us.

    Reference: Global consumer change

Risk management strategy:

Category Risk assessment Rate Solution
Market Price depends on global market High
  • Appropriate annual stabilization fund to cope with price fluctuations
  • Plan to handle inventory by producing handwoven fabrics  to supply the fashion and furniture markets
  • Domestic policy 
  • Export policy by regions


  • Research carefully and plan to approach and coordinate with local departments and ministries to jointly implement the project
  • We prioritize submitting projects for government-linked activities to create cross-benefit effects for participating parties such as student exchange programs and social projects. 
Environment Natural disasters, drought, pests… 

(We generally assume that environmental risks are force majeure risks)

  • We have taken this risk into account first so action on climate change adaptation planning is essential. Techniques and technology will be applied to allocate adaptive farming according to seasons. Forecasting & well plan for supply  as well as production.
  • In addition, we will buy insurance to cover the above mentioned force majeure risks
  • Farm (minorities, volunteer, engineer)
  • Governance


  • Different cultures might create certain barriers in the beginning. In our plan, we put people as human centric. Our goal is to accompany, guide, and support. Therefore, we choose to communicate based on respect, approachable communication and have backup human resource plans for each stage. Coordinate closely with local authorities to create impact for farmers to implement the project
  • Approach other successful farms that have similar objectives and engage to be the consultancy or mentor. Research on laws, regulation that help drive the best outcome for all related parties. 
Finance All activities related to financial 

(capital, investment, cashflow…)

  • Divide the project according to each roadmap for high execution ability. Cooperate with independent financial units to create transparency in financial reporting to attract appropriate investment sources in each stage.

Theory of change roadmap:


The business and social problem we are solving is focusing on cotton for our business growth and minority ethnic independence economy

Inputs Processes Outputs Outcomes Impact
  • Dept of Science & Technology of Hoa Binh
  • Dept of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Hoa Binh
  • CSIP
  • VCCI Northern
  • Agriculture University
  • Nasda (USA)
  • OCOP (VN)
  • Nam Xanh Cooperative
  • Hoa Ban +
  • Study on process, policy, tech
  • Planning for cotton business
  • Recruiting volunteers
  • Government links
  • Funding & Grant
  • Branding & Communicate for product & brand
  • R&D new product match to domestic taste
  • Digital MKT
  • Approach domestic market:  (Repeet – startup VN)
  • USDA Cert
  • Export: (Ashley & Alvin HK)
  • Increasing revenue stream of cotton product lines
  • Increasing income for employment, minorities artisans, woman in workplace
  • Optimize production cost
  • Solving economic issues for ethnic minority communities in Hoa Binh (rate 70% of 487 members in 04 cooperatives)
  • Greater engagement in government, community, university, and positive activities.
  • Increase prosocial behavior
  • Business growth in accordance with the direction of sustainable development
  • Reduction poor poverty
  • Increased technical skill in farm
  • Regeneration of plants
  • Reduction climate change

After gathering  information about the sustainable bag product line and the preparation steps for the cotton fiber product line, Green Cat received useful comments for the implementation and also risk management process for our project. We synthesize and draft the plan as follows:

In these 2 lines of Popular brands in the market that have similar products line & story with Green Cat including the upper line whose business model is based as a social impact business and the lower line whose main business model base is trading fabrics. Therefore, we selected the brands closest to us to provide a benchmark direction for Green Cat