
Mantra: Empowering the female community to thrive, learn and break down barriers.

Mission: Alpha Lady is on a mission to empower female adolescents and young women aged 15 to 25 on their journey of self-growth by building inner strength and self-esteem. 

Vision: Alpha Lady is a community for sharing experiences and offers guidance to navigate the challenges of a male-dominated society, particularly in Vietnam.

Target customer: female adolescents and young women aged 15 to 25

Core value: 

  • Empowerment: Empowering female adolescents and young women to take control of their lives, make confident decisions, and pursue their dreams.
  • Community: Creating a supportive and inclusive community where female adolescents and young women can share experiences, learn from each other, and grow together.
  • Self-Discovery: Encouraging self-exploration and personal growth, helping  female adolescents and young women understand their strengths, weaknesses, and passions.
  • Responsibility: Nurturing a sense of responsibility for one’s actions and choices, empowering  female adolescents and young women to take ownership of their futures.
  • Courage: Inspiring courage to step out of comfort zones, overcome challenges, and embrace change for personal development.

Our logo story:

  • The high heels within the design represent the resilience of women, showcasing their ability to overcome challenges and continue moving forward. They also embody qualities such as empowerment, leadership, and fearlessness.
  • The color red chosen for our logo symbolizes passion, courage, and determination, all of which are fundamental to the Alpha Lady spirit. It reflects the boldness and drive of the modern female.
  • At the heart of our logo is the letter “A,” which serves as a reminder of our brand name, “Alpha Lady.”

Social Challenge

Girls and young women today confront formidable obstacles that undermine their sense of identity and future prospects, particularly within the context of a male-dominated society. Two primary factors exacerbate these challenges: Familial Dynamics and Societal Norms. 

Within the family sphere, alarming statistics reveal the pervasive nature of domestic violence, with a recent survey across Vietnam indicating that nearly two-thirds (62.9%) of women aged 15 to 64 have endured various forms of abuse from male partners, encompassing physical, sexual, emotional, economic, and controlling behaviors. Furthermore, a recent survey of children aged one to 14 unveiled that two-thirds of Vietnamese children experience physical abuse from family members, exacerbating the cycle of violence and insecurity among young girls. Consequently, lacking familial support, many young women seek external validation from peers to bolster their confidence and sense of self-worth.

Within the societal norms:

  • Valuing Males and Despising Females:  Influenced heavily by Confucian ideals, Vietnamese culture often values males over females, fostering a pervasive ideology of respecting men while disparaging women. This bias is evident in customs and practices, including a preference for boys over girls, which reinforces gender inequality from a young age.
  • Sexual Violence: Alarming statistics reveal the prevalence of sexual violence, with 9.1% of Vietnamese women aged 15–19 and 18.0% of women aged 20–24 reporting experiences of sexual violence since age 15. This pervasive threat undermines the safety and autonomy of young women, contributing to long-term psychological trauma and hindering their ability to participate fully in society.
  • Body shaming and Discrimination on Appearance: discriminatory acts based on appearance compound the challenges faced by girls and young women, with body shaming and appearance-based discrimination often going unnoticed and unaddressed. Despite efforts to combat discrimination in various forms, the impact of commenting on and discussing others’ appearances is profound, with 33.7% of respondents reporting a decrease in self-confidence, 32.8% experiencing psychological damage, and 24.5% facing obstacles in learning and personal development. These statistics underscore the urgent need for societal awareness and empowerment initiatives to challenge harmful stereotypes, promote gender equality, and create a more inclusive environment where girls and young women can thrive without fear of discrimination or violence.

Social Solution

Through comprehensive research into the family and society norms, we have identified the issues in the pervasive lack of understanding surrounding female self-esteem, influenced by external influences. Particularly in Vietnam’s male-dominated society, females face significant challenges because of this lack of validation and support.

Our project is on a mission to empower female adolescents and young women aged 15 to 25 on their journey of self-growth by building inner strength and self-esteem. Alpha Lady is a community for sharing experiences and offers guidance to navigate the challenges of a male-dominated society, particularly in Vietnam.

Contribution to UN goals

Alpha Lady actively contributes to gender equality by empowering women and girls through self-development and skill-building initiatives. Our project directly supports the United Nations’ goal of gender equality, particularly SDG 5, by providing tangible tools and resources for women’s advancement. Through workshops, mentorship, and self-growth development programs, Alpha Lady aims to create a more inclusive society where every woman and girl has the opportunity to thrive and level up their lives.