You will no longer have to feel powerless in the face of a medical emergency; you can take action and save a life.
Social Challenge:
Our main motivation is to reduce the mortality rate caused by a bad intervention during a cardiac arrest, since according to the WHO, 70% of cardiorespiratory arrests occur at home where most families do not have basic knowledge or equipment necessary to carry out a timely intervention and save the life of your family member.
We seek to give you A.I.R.E., this is an audio-visual device capable of guiding people in cardiopulmonary resuscitation manoeuvres on a real victim. Our glove integrates micro and nanotechnology, which makes it durable and easy to carry. We focus on educating families where there are cardiovascular diseases through first aid training, this impacts society by reducing mortality statistics due to incorrect intervention during cardiac arrest at home. Having the opportunity to teach people about A.I.R.E. (Assistant in the Intervention for an Effective CPR) its usefulness and the appropriate moment and situation for its use. We seek to expand our market internationally, by 2025, we expect to reduce 70% of the mortality rate due to poor cardiac arrest interventions. We seek to provide a solution to Objective 3: Good health and well-being by promoting a culture of practice and training in first aid and Objective 4: Quality education, with our continuous training.
Social Solution:
The Training Center of the Universidad Veracruzana (CECAUV) is focused on providing continuing education to the general population by offering our product A.I.R.E. (Auxiliary in the Intervention for an Effective CPR) that consists of a glove that incorporates technologies capable of guiding the user during the application of CPR. This product may help increase the chances of survival for people experiencing cardiac arrest. Emphasizing that currently, although there are devices that help in CPR in an advanced way, its market focuses on health personnel, neglecting the needs of the most vulnerable population. This glove has LED traffic lights, where green indicates if you are compressing correctly, amber indicates that you should compress harder and red light tells you to compress slower, it has a sound to set the constant and correct frequency to increase the quality of CPR is linked to an application via Bluetooth which is responsible for supporting all the information obtained at the time of cardiorespiratory arrest and this allows educational information to be consulted.
Video presentation:
Presentation Slides:
PDF: Presentation Slides CECAUV
Participation of coaches and students in the international congress: Academic relevance, as a pillar in Social Transformation.