TLOVE project description

UN goals:

Goal 1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere

Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

Goal 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all


Social challenge:Our social impacts are braving people the lifestyle of Reduce-Reuse-Recycle making our earth greener with an unpolluted environment affecting both mental and physical health along with creating a space for people coming to relax without any distance among others. For generations, enjoying tea has become a feature of Vietnamese culture. However, recently, the trend of using foreign tea has increased rapidly, thus significantly affecting the position of pure Vietnamese tea, putting pressure on Vietnamese tea enterprises. Therefore, we want to promote the Vietnamese originated tea commercial, take full advantages of the benefits from tea and tea grounds to improve the competitive efficiency for small-scale producers, creating handicrafted products. Meanwhile minimizing the problem of environmental pollution. In addition, the social issue that we aim at is also to solve employment problems, provide vocational training for vulnerable people, particularly the hearing impaired because we realize that they are completely capable of participating in the community and the job market to generate income for themselves to lead meaningful lives. At first stage, our project focuses on scaling up in the North of Vietnam, increasing scale in tea growing areas.

Solution idea:Our business intend to erase the distance between people and people. We create jobs for people with disabilities and promote Vietnamese tea trading. We impact the awareness of environmental protection by promoting the Reduce-Reuse-Recylce lifestyles. And we will all benefit from it, we love each other more, our souls are more relaxed, our health is more advanced, the environment is cleaner. The principles for achieving our goals are: Act from the heart, work with the head. The solution we bring is not only towards a simple tea-drinking space but also has a great meaning in building happiness in people’s hearts.”My beneficiaties benefit from my business’ interventions: Small tea businesses: stable output; People with disabilities: have a job that generates income, create self-confidence, control a life regardless of others, have an equal exchange; Community: has cultural and art space to relax and enrich social activities– Type of social work is both social construction and social engineering. In order to build a society, the first thing is that it is necessary to have social engineering to develop a long-term, strong business and reach new heights.“