T-Home Peru project description
T-HOME PERÚ será una empresa líder por brindar productos de alta calidad para mejorar la infraestructura de las viviendas de los Asentamientos humanos de Lima a su vez que fomenta una cultura de reciclaje de Tetrapak como un insumo valioso que sustituye a otros productos hechos a base de madera
Social challenge:
T-Home Peru arises from the need to transform a reality that worries and makes us uncomfortable. According to reports from government institutions in the country, only 1.9% of the total reusable solid waste is recycled in Peru and only 3 out of every 100 Peruvians recycle the garbage they generate daily. Daily, Lima generates 8 thousand tons of waste, but only 1% is recycled. Thus, San Juan de Lurigancho generates 780 tons of waste; Commas, 400 tons; and Villa El Salvador, 300. This, in addition to harming our environment, also prevents the inhabitants who live in the middle of them from having a better quality of life. Likewise, over the years, more and more people emigrate to the capital of Lima, which has led to the creation of Informal Settlements or known by Peruvian society as Human Settlements, young towns, neighborhoods, etc. This phenomenon has often led to people living in these areas that are considered high risk and with a low quality of life. Many of their homes are built with galvanized and tripley corrugated sheets, which do not provide very good protection against the weather.
Solution idea:
In the past, civilizations were characterized by leaving imposing monuments as a sign of their ingenuity, knowledge and history; however, ours will leave traces of single-use plastic and aluminum. For this reason, we propose the creation and implementation of recycled and resistant tetra pak roofs in order to reduce the inequality gap and pollution in Peru. We thus seek to introduce to the market a new alternative for housing construction that is cheaper than any other type of existing offer. The main components of the tetrapak that will be used in the manufacture of these roofs will be plastic and aluminum. All this in order to develop a culture of recycling through strategic collection points in different areas of Lima (initially) as a result of intense recycling campaigns by the media; in addition, to mitigate the segregation and exclusion of informal settlements. This through sustainable development and ease in obtaining construction materials. Through alliances with NGOs in our country such as Techo Peru, we hope to provide certain benefits for the client, such as the lining of the infrastructure of the houses.
At T-home Peru we bet on sustainable materials for construction like roofing and cladding to improve infrastructures of human settlements homes and other particular buildings. Our products are characterized by having an affordable price, being highly resistant and providing good protection, so consumers receive a more economical, practical, and ecological product.
Our pillars are the solid waste use promotion, pollution awareness, reduction of inadequate housing and inequalities. We donate part of our profit margin to support social causes in human settlements, promote recycling groups creation to offer them more job opportunities, and coordinate activities with municipalities, recycling centers, plants, etc.