Project description

“Carefam”: A modern virtual mentorship platform for licensed caregivers and first-time caregivers to connect.

‍Why are we addressing this social need?

There are approximately 48 million caregivers in the U.S, and 75% are not certified or trained professionally to be caregivers. More than 36% of family caregivers characterize their situation as highly stressful, according to the “Caregiving in the U.S 2020” report from AARP and the National Alliance for Caregiving (NAC).

How are we addressing this social need?

First-time users can use our platform for the following caregiving resources:

  • Online support groups
  • Online caregiving courses
  • Online community
  • Access to events and workshops hosted by a licensed caregiver

How is it different from other options in the market?

Our vision for Carefam is to create a portfolio of resources for all types of caregivers. Other options in the market tend to focus on only one caregiving category; one example, the Alzheimer Association’s primary focus is to help caregivers who take care of patients with Alzheimer’s disease. What we added that is different from our competitors is to create a great community engagement setting for all types of caregivers. Our users can create groups, participate in a discussion and join events. Careacademy is the leading online caregiving training school, and they sell pre-recorded caregiving courses to home care agencies. Our courses will be live online, and you can ask questions and get personalized feedback according to your caregiving situation. Another service we are working on is adding 1 to 1 caregiving coaching services.




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* Very few posts will be seen, and it’s because we are preparing for a pilot test with our prototype in mid-August.
  • More than 1,800 Instagram followers in less than six months