HYGIE project description
Project name “Hygie Tea Pharmaceutical – Exploiting medicinal values from agricultural products”.
Field: Production – Processing.
The project’s products are convenient instant teas extracted from agricultural products by the preparation method of the pharmaceutical industry, creating products to care, improve and improve users’ health, such as instant tea. Perilla, Instant Tea Lettuce, Instant Tea Braised purple vegetables…
– Create health care products to meet the needs of disease prevention according to the natural trend combining modern science and traditional medicine. Meeting the needs of personalization in health care
– Applying pharmaceutical technology to agricultural product processing – indigenous resources are extremely rich and potential.
– Applying pharmaceutical technology to agricultural product processing – indigenous resources are extremely rich and potential.
– Change the thinking of agricultural production from food to “medicine”, when associated with advanced standards and standards: ISO, OCOP, High quality Vietnamese goods with integration standards…