Video prenstation Round 3:



“From agricultural waste into high-quality organic upcycled cosmetics for customers and sustainable income source for farmers.” 



Motivated by the desire to offer natural cosmetics to enhance the beauty of Vietnamese people and to accompany farmers in organic transformations, MACALAND have the vision to become the leading natural cosmetic brand for the application of Vietnamese organic agricultural products. To achieve this, MACALAND have the mission to reduce agricultural waste caused by lacking appearance standards, help farmers’ to generate better income and develop businesses in their own way, then facilitating the organic transformation. 

These are in line with our target to contribute to Sustainable Development Goals, specifically at goal 8, 12, and 15. 



Farmers always spend a lot of effort on cultivation, however, after harvesting, although these nuts are nutritious and delicious to eat, if they do not meet the standards of appearance, they are still wasted. Unfortunately, the amount of ugly seeds is relatively large, accounting for 10% of total production, which negatively affects the income of farmers. This issue happens with various agricultural products and all regions in Vietnam.


Another crucial problem relates to soil pollution. Pesticides and chemical fertilizers around their homes and gardens negatively affect farmers’ quality of life, which encourages them to implement organic farming. However, organic farming leads to higher variances in sizes, increasing to 20% of ugly seeds from total production, becoming a barrier for farmer to make transitions. 



Macaland has increased the value of agricultural products by making cosmetics, which helps farmers to generate additional income, instead of wasting them. We also relieve the pain of technology gaps when we not only buy raw materials (the nuts), but also buy finished products (like cold-pressed oils from these nuts). Moreover, we have the strategy to use fully organic agricultural products in our cosmetics, which acts as a guarantee for farmers wanting to transfer to organic farming. 


Macaland pays attention to R&D and ensures that the production process meets cGMP and Ministry of Health standards and actively applies new technology like Nano to provide high-quality cosmetics with real benefits to consumers. Organic cosmetics also help to relieve the pains of skin irritations and increase confidence for consumers using products that aligned with their values. 



 More information about our products:


*Green color are for social impact-oriented (Farmers and cooperatives)

Yellow color are for profit-oriented (Consumers) 



Offline store:




Address: Street, 18 Hoàng Dư Khương, District 10, Hồ Chí Minh City


Online E-commerce:

Shopee Hồ Chí Minh City 

Shopee Hà Nội City 





Visit Macaland at: 


Facebook                 Instagram                    Tiktok 







 Media – Tuổi Trẻ Newspaper talk about Macaland:

Thanks for reading till here! 


Video Presentation Round 1:

Video Presentation Round 2:


Our Reference

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BDC. Gross Margin in Cosmetics Market. Available at: https://www.bdc.ca/en/articles-tools/entrepreneur-toolkit/templates-business-guides/glossary/gross-profit-margin-ratio#:~:text=On%20the%20face%20of%20it,and%20other%20producers%20of%20goods 

Cafebiz (2020). “Đồng hành cùng phụ nữ hiện đại, mỹ phẩm đang tạo mức sinh lời “không tưởng” cho các thương hiệu nội ngoại: Biên lãi gộp đạt 50%, riêng L’Oreal Vietnam thậm chí vượt 75%”. Available at: https://cafebiz.vn/dong-hanh-cung-phu-nu-hien-dai-my-pham-dang-tao-muc-sinh-loi-khong-tuong-cho-cac-thuong-hieu-noi-ngoai-bien-lai-gop-dat-50-rieng-loreal-vietnam-tham-chi-vuot-75-20201020135457943.chn 

FreelanceFormulations. What is the Average Profit Margin of the Cosmetic Industry? Available at: https://www.freelanceformulations.com/post/what-is-the-average-profit-margin-of-the-cosmetic-industry 

Grand View Research, (2023). Cosmetics Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Product (Skin Care, Hair Care, Makeup, Fragrance), By End-user (Men, Women), By Distribution Channel, By Region, And Segment Forecasts, 2023 – 2030. Available at: https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/cosmetics-market#:~:text=Report%20Overview,4.2%25%20from%202023%20to%202030.

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The International Nature and Organic Cosmetics Association. How do natural and organic cosmetic brands reduce and counterbalance their carbon footprint? Available at: https://natrue.org/how-do-natural-and-organic-cosmetic-brands-reduce-and-counterbalance-their-carbon-footprint/

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Our support evidence

Hợp đồng thu mua cà phê Organic x Laha Coffee – Contract for purchasing organic coffee x Laha Coffee

Income Statement (2020 – 2022)

Macaland Trademark

Business Registration Certificate 

Cafef (2023). “Seller sở hữu tới 5 thương hiệu bán trên TMĐT: Nếu đang tìm cách xây dựng thương hiệu riêng mà chưa biết bắt đầu từ đâu, hãy thử kinh doanh trên TMĐT”. Available at: https://cafef.vn/seller-so-huu-toi-5-thuong-hieu-ban-tren-tmdt-neu-dang-tim-cach-xay-dung-thuong-hieu-rieng-ma-chua-biet-bat-dau-tu-dau-hay-thu-kinh-doanh-tren-tmdt-188230412100749764.chn

Tuổi Trẻ (2023). “Tinh chất ‘vàng lỏng’ từ hạt Mắc ca tạo nên mỹ phẩm Việt”. Available at: https://tuoitre.vn/tinh-chiet-vang-long-tu-hat-mac-ca-tao-nen-my-pham-viet-2023042122441822.htm

VnExpress (2022). “Doanh nghiệp tất bật phục vụ nhu cầu sắm Tết”. Available at: https://vnexpress.net/doanh-nghiep-tat-bat-phuc-vu-nhu-cau-sam-tet-4554032.html?fbclid=IwAR0wt97-KbL-tsvXZpYhk3N0VBQ445rzQjr6y2ihbrRVSlmLnJDhwB2ndEM