KOCHU project description


Smart way to refresh and cleanse your food from local salt farms.

SDG 3- 6 – 12

Video Presentation:

Our presentation file and supporting documents: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1mbC97DZbQ5ZuzFXsNpFdU16x_JUVcmRX?usp=sharing

SBC – Kochu-20230812T110130Z-001

Round 2 Video Presentation:


Our presentation file:



Social Challenge:

Vietnamese people will consume more vegetales, meat and fish but the dirty food lead to poisoning and long-term effects on health, such as: diseases related to food tend to be younger. People have Fear of Foodborne Illness, Lack of Effective Cleaning Solutions and Don’t like Time-Consuming Cleaning Processes


We can see that the use of pesticides and herbicides in the agricultural and fishing practices is the direct cause of the social issue, but it is driven by deeper underlying causes such as poverty, consumer demand, and convenience. Inadequate infrastructure, poor storage facilities, and inadequate and oversight in the food safety regulations, lack of education and awareness, and limited resources contributing to exacerbate the problem.


The invisible consequences include the degradation of soil quality, water pollution. Meanwhile, the main causes of food poisoning include contamination by harmful bacteria, viruses, or other pathogens that can occur during the production, processing, handling, storage, or preparation of food. These contaminants can enter the food supply chain at any point, from the farm to the table. Additionally, tropical countries may have unique challenges when it comes to food safety due to factors such as higher temperatures and humidity, lack of infrastructure for proper food storage and transportation, and limited access to clean water.


Social Solution:

Therefore, we focus on the way to make foods become cleaner and healthier. The Kochu Salt project addresses the root cause by providing products and services, such as: salt Salt powder, liquid and machine for washing vegetables, meats and fishes; also we are running workshop to raise awareness about the right way of proper handling, washing, and cooking of vegetables can help reduce the risk of foodborne illness.


Value Proposition: Sanitizing Products and Services For Fresh Fruits & Vegetables provides a simple, convenient and effective solution for cleaning produce, ensuring that it is safe to eat. The Salt powders are specifically designed to be used on fresh fruits and vegetables, and are effective against a broad range of contaminants. They are easy to use, environmentally friendly and do not alter the taste or appearance of the produce. By using the Kochu salt, consumers can feel confident that they are taking steps to protect the health of their families. The Salt powders could be marketed as a way to reduce food waste by extending the shelf life of produce, as well as a way to improve the overall health and well-being of consumers.


Our products also help save used water, and reduce washing time. The Salt powders are a good fit for busy families who want a quick and easy solution for cleaning produce, as well as for individuals who are on-the-go and do not have access to running water. The Salt powders are also suitable for commercial kitchens and restaurants who need to ensure that the produce they serve is safe and free from contaminants. Furthermore, while being in our eco-system, costumers can get more value and freely acess to training progress.

We found that, not only single meal on home table of in HORECA, but also multi-tons processed agricutural foods must be washed well. While completing these jobs we also realize the Goal 3.


Busines Model: our first target is householders – the end users, they should to see and undersand how our product is the best way to refreshing and cleaning the fresh foods. Then, we want majority HORECA can use our product and services to improve they food, which directly come to meals. After that, we want to corporate with distributors to connect with SME, Farms and household business, where vast of agriculture products are made, to help them to change the recent chemicals to green solutions. Besides, we will collaborate with communities to encourage the transition. Therefore, we forcus on two main types of costumers: B2C 30% and B2B 70%.


Furthermore, our solution cheaper and economier but eco-friendlier than competitors.

The business model for Sanitizing Salt powders For Fresh Fruits & Vegetables could be based on the sale of the Salt powders through retail stores, online marketplaces or direct-to-consumer channels. The Salt powders could be sold in various package sizes to cater to different needs and usage patterns. We offer subscription-based models or loyalty programs to incentivize repeat purchases. We already expand the product line to include sanitizing solutions for other types of food, or other household surfaces: like dishwashing, laudry detergents.. that help us increase revenue. We also created B2B Distribution, where involve partnering with commercial kitchens and restaurants to provide sanitizing Salt powders as a value-added service, or offering the Salt powders to produce distributors as part of their supply chain operations.


We will release the Refillable Salt powder Container in near future. Additionally, we will provide consulting and training services to commercial kitchens and restaurants on best practices for produce sanitization. We will make some options: White Labeling ODM/OEM; licensing technology or partnerships with produce distributors and retailers.

We will partner with local farmers or agricultural cooperatives to source its raw materials. We allocate a portion of profits to support those villages. Goal 12. 


This would help to support to solve social-environmental problems; also improve local economies and provide fair wages for farmers, while also ensuring that the products are sustainably sourced and of high quality. We will implement take-back programs to ensure that used packages are properly disposed of and recycled. We will partner with local non-profit organizations or community groups to provide free or discounted sanitizing Salt powders to underserved communities. Salt harvest from Sea Water, while washing foods will dissolve in tap water and flow by stream to the sea again. Therefore, we minimize effect to natural. Goal 6.


Marketing Strategy:


I- Branding: we are Expert in SALT; and food safety regulations.

The First Salt powder with Multi-purpose usage made from raw materials, dissolving packet that consumers can add to a basin of water to create a sanitizing solution: to quick defrost; antibacteria; remove pesticides; treat water problems. The Salt powder and packaging could be designed to be compostable or biodegradable, and the company could partner with like-minded organizations and influencers to promote the products. offering a value ladder of different sanitizing products, including wipes and sprays.


These products could be packaged together in a “produce cleaning kit” that offers a complete solution for consumers. To complement the sanitizing Salt powder, we develop a portable produce washing basin that incorporates a built-in Salt powder dispenser. This could be marketed as an all-in-one solution for consumers who want to wash their produce on-the-go.


II- Workshop sharing info: nutrition, food storage and preservation. consulting and training services to commercial kitchens and restaurants on best practices for produce sanitization. This could include providing staff training, developing customized cleaning protocols, and offering regular inspections to ensure compliance with safety regulations.


Financial Metric:


For the last few months, sales of Salt powder have grown 36.6%, up from 30% for previous time, other FMCG products contribute stable sales for loyal customers.

However, the cost for marketing, as promotion campaigns and discounts, grew from 25% to 30.8% due to the inflation and aggregate demand is reduced. 


CEO Message: “From Healthy Meal to Green Life”


Eating well – healthy is the basic thing to make everyone happier, our team aims to serve meals of millions of Vietnamese households, and at the same time achieve 2/17 UN Sustainable Development Goals; then we aim to serve the ASEAN market and go beyond.


Dr. Nguyễn Hải Minh

Doctor of Chemistry, used to live and work in Russia, Germany, Thailand, Japan.. applied >10 patents. Expert on Nano Technology, Food Technology and Production Factory.


Team Kochu: Unity from Diversity

Core members have years of experience in each of the key areas.

We also have students in our team to practice by running some real projects.


Global Presentation 15 05 2023

Startup KOCHU 05 2023 En.ver


Round 1:

Video Presentation:
Our presentation file:

Smart way to refresh and cleanse your food from local salt farms.

SDG 6 – 12
Social Challenge:
Vietnamese people will consume more vegetales, meat and fish but the dirty food lead to poisoning and long-term effects on health, such as: diseases related to food tend to be younger. People have Fear of Foodborne Illness, Lack of Effective Cleaning Solutions and Don’t like Time-Consuming Cleaning Processes
We can see that the use of pesticides and herbicides in the agricultural and fishing practices is the direct cause of the social issue, but it is driven by deeper underlying causes such as poverty, consumer demand, and convenience. Inadequate infrastructure, poor storage facilities, and inadequate and oversight in the food safety regulations, lack of education and awareness, and limited resources contributing to exacerbate the problem. The invisible consequences include the degradation of soil quality, water pollution. Meanwhile, the main causes of food poisoning include contamination by harmful bacteria, viruses, or other pathogens that can occur during the production, processing, handling, storage, or preparation of food. These contaminants can enter the food supply chain at any point, from the farm to the table. Additionally, tropical countries may have unique challenges when it comes to food safety due to factors such as higher temperatures and humidity, lack of infrastructure for proper food storage and transportation, and limited access to clean water.
Social Solution:
Therefore, we focus on the way to make foods become cleaner and healthier. The Kochu Salt project addresses the root cause by providing products and services, such as: salt tablet, liquid and machine for washing vegetables, meats and fishes; also we are running workshop to raise awareness about the right way of proper handling, washing, and cooking of vegetables can help reduce the risk of foodborne illness.
Value Proposition: Sanitizing Tablets For Fresh Fruits & Vegetables provides a simple, convenient and effective solution for cleaning produce, ensuring that it is safe to eat. The tablets are specifically designed to be used on fresh fruits and vegetables, and are effective against a broad range of contaminants. They are easy to use, environmentally friendly and do not alter the taste or appearance of the produce. By using the tablets, consumers can feel confident that they are taking steps to protect the health of their families. The tablets could be marketed as a way to reduce food waste by extending the shelf life of produce, as well as a way to improve the overall health and well-being of consumers.
Our products also help save used water, and reduce washing time. The tablets are a good fit for busy families who want a quick and easy solution for cleaning produce, as well as for individuals who are on-the-go and do not have access to running water. The tablets are also suitable for commercial kitchens and restaurants who need to ensure that the produce they serve is safe and free from contaminants. Furthermore, while being in our eco-system, costumers can get more value and freely acess to training progress.
We found that, not only single meal on home table of in HORECA, but also multi-tons processed agricutural foods must be washed well.
Busines Model: our first target is householders – the end users, they should to see and undersand how our product is the best way to refreshing and cleaning the fresh foods. Then, we want majority HORECA can use our product and services to improve they food, which directly come to meals. After that, we want to corporate with distributors to connect with SME, Farms and household business, where vast of agriculture products are made, to help them to change the recent chemicals to green solutions. Besides, we will collaborate with communities to encourage the transition. Therefore, we forcus on two main types of costumers: B2C 30% and B2B 70%.
Furthermore, our solution cheaper and economier but eco-friendlier than competitors.
The business model for Sanitizing Tablets For Fresh Fruits & Vegetables could be based on the sale of the tablets through retail stores, online marketplaces or direct-to-consumer channels. The tablets could be sold in various package sizes to cater to different needs and usage patterns. We offer subscription-based models or loyalty programs to incentivize repeat purchases. We already expand product line to include sanitizing solutions for other types of food, or other household surfaces: like dishwashing, laudry detergents.. that help us increase revenue. We also created B2B Distribution, where involve partnering with commercial kitchens and restaurants to provide sanitizing tablets as a value-added service, or offering the tablets to produce distributors as part of their supply chain operations.
We will release the Refillable Tablet Container in near future. Additionally, we will provide consulting and training services to commercial kitchens and restaurants on best practices for produce sanitization. We will make some options: White Labeling ODM/OEM; licensing technology or partnerships with produce distributors and retailers.
We will partner with local farmers or agricultural cooperatives to source its raw materials. We allocate a portion of profits to support those villages. Goal 12. This would help to support to solve social-environmental problems; also improve local economies and provide fair wages for farmers, while also ensuring that the products are sustainably sourced and of high quality. We will implement take-back programs to ensure that used packages are properly disposed of and recycled. We will partner with local non-profit organizations or community groups to provide free or discounted sanitizing tablets to underserved communities. Salt harvest from Sea Water, while washing foods will dissolve in tap water and flow by stream to the sea again. Therfore, we minimize affect to natural. Goal 6.
Marketing Strategy:
I- Branding: we are Expert in SALT; and food safety regulations.
The First Salt powder with Multi-purpose usage made from raw materials, dissolving packet that consumers can add to a basin of water to create a sanitizing solution: to quick defrost; antibacteria; remove pesticides; treat water problems. The tablets and packaging could be designed to be compostable or biodegradable, and the company could partner with like-minded organizations and influencers to promote the products. offering a value ladder of different sanitizing products, including wipes and sprays, in addition to tablets. These products could be packaged together in a “produce cleaning kit” that offers a complete solution for consumers. To complement the sanitizing tablets, we develop a portable produce washing basin that incorporates a built-in tablet dispenser. This could be marketed as an all-in-one solution for consumers who want to wash their produce on-the-go.

II- Workshop sharing info: nutrition, food storage and preservation. consulting and training services to commercial kitchens and restaurants on best practices for produce sanitization. This could include providing staff training, developing customized cleaning protocols, and offering regular inspections to ensure compliance with safety regulations.

Global Presentation 15 05 2023
Startup KOCHU 05 2023 En.ver