EnterFinances project description

Social challenge

EducaFin is a mobile application that seeks to guide entrepreneurs to understand the economic conditions, know the financial tools and products, as well as learn to use them for the benefit of their businesses, allowing them to promote formal savings and learn about competitive credits to incorporate the possibilities of success in the financial market.

Solution idea

The increase in young microentrepreneurs is due to the economic crisis that has caused the COVID 19 pandemic, which is why the proposal to create a mobile application through which it allows the identification of technological, financial and social tools is of utmost importance to serve the entrepreneurs sector through electronic media such as social networks.

EnterFinances is an application that supports businesses to know their current financial status, providing the user with free modules where they develop skills to implement them in their business and thus be able to meet their financial goals reducing time and resources. EnterFinances provides free financial advice to the user or entrepreneur, where data must be entered both inputs and outputs of the business to make financial projections of the establishment. EnterFinances also generates crowdfunding campaigns where sponsors are sought to contribute value to the app and users can also generate a donation to the app.
