SBC103 case

Our Topic: How to lean our start-up project

A- Theory about 

I. Lean startup methodology

What Is the “Lean Startup” Methodology?

The lean startup methodology is used to develop products and businesses in a short period of time, which allows the creator of the product or business to quickly determine if their business model is a viable one. When implementing the lean startup methodology, the business that uses this methodology will focus on developing a product while also gaining customer feedback, which usually involves releasing a minimum viable product to the market or a small subset of your customers.

The core principles of the Lean Startup methodology include:

  • Build a Minimum Viable Product (MVP): An MVP is a simplified version of your product that includes only the essential features necessary to address a specific problem or need. This allows you to quickly test your concept in the market and gather feedback.
  • Measure and Learn: Instead of making assumptions and predictions about what customers want, gather real data from the market. Use metrics and analytics to track user behavior, engagement, and other relevant indicators. This helps you make informed decisions based on actual user feedback.
  • Validated Learning: The goal is to learn as quickly as possible whether your assumptions about the market and your product are correct. If your assumptions are proven wrong, you can adjust your product or business model accordingly, minimizing wasted resources.
  • Build-Measure-Learn Loop: This is the iterative process at the heart of the Lean Startup methodology. It involves creating an MVP, measuring its performance and user reactions, learning from the data collected, and then using that learning to refine the product or pivot the business strategy.
  • Pivot or Persevere: Based on the feedback and data gathered during the Build-Measure-Learn loop, you may need to make a decision. If your product isn’t gaining traction, you might need to pivot, which means making a significant change to your product or business strategy. If you’re seeing positive results, you can persevere and continue refining and expanding.
  • Continuous Deployment: Embrace continuous deployment practices to quickly release updates and improvements to your product. This allows you to respond to user feedback faster and adapt to changing market conditions.
  • Build a Sustainable Business Model: As you iterate and improve your product, focus on developing a scalable and sustainable business model. This includes considering pricing, revenue streams, distribution channels, and other aspects that contribute to long-term success.
  • Innovative Accounting: Traditional accounting practices might not be suitable for startups, especially when dealing with uncertainty and rapid changes. Innovative accounting methods can help you accurately measure progress and make decisions based on real financial data.

The Lean Startup methodology is particularly beneficial for startups and new product development, as it emphasizes a data-driven, flexible approach that reduces the risk of building products or businesses that don’t align with market demand. It’s important to continually seek feedback, stay adaptable, and maintain a focus on learning and improvement.

The three steps that make up the lean startup methodology are: Build, Measure, Learn. Think of the lean startup approach as a loop. As you learn and go through each step, you’ll return to the first step to update your products and services.

  1. Build:

   The first step is to create a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), which is a simplified version of your product that includes only the essential features required to solve a specific problem or address a particular need in the market. The emphasis here is on speed and efficiency. By building an MVP quickly, you can reduce development time and resource investment while still providing value to early customers.

   The goal of the Build phase is not to create a polished, feature-rich product, but rather to create something that can be tested in the real world as soon as possible. This step is about validating your assumptions and hypotheses about your target audience, their pain points, and the solution you’re offering.

  1. Measure:

   Once your MVP is in the hands of users, it’s time to gather data and measure how they interact with it. This involves tracking various metrics and analytics to gain insights into user behavior, engagement, and other relevant indicators. The metrics you choose to measure will depend on your specific product and goals.   Measuring is crucial because it provides you with real-world feedback that helps you understand whether your assumptions were correct. It allows you to identify patterns, user preferences, and areas of improvement. By collecting quantitative and qualitative data, you can make informed decisions about the next steps for your product.

  1. Learn:

   The Learn phase is all about deriving meaningful insights from the data collected during the Measure phase. Analyze the feedback, user behavior, and metrics to understand what’s working, what’s not, and why. This learning process can challenge your initial assumptions and highlight opportunities for growth and optimization.

 The insights you gather might lead to several potential outcomes:

   – Validated Assumptions: If your assumptions are confirmed by positive user engagement and feedback, you can proceed with confidence, refining your product based on what you’ve learned.

   – Invalidated Assumptions: If your assumptions are proven wrong, you might need to pivot your strategy by adjusting your product, target audience, or business model.

   – New Opportunities: The data might uncover new features, markets, or directions that you hadn’t considered before, leading to innovation and expansion.

The Build-Measure-Learn loop is continuous. After the Learn phase, you return to the Build phase to make improvements, add features, or pivot as needed. This iterative process helps you create a product that resonates with your audience, minimizes wasted resources, and accelerates your path to success.Overall, the Lean Startup methodology encourages a dynamic and adaptive approach to entrepreneurship, where experimentation and learning drive decision-making, leading to a more resilient and successful business.

The Lean Startup methodology provides entrepreneurs with a structured approach to developing and launching new products or businesses. It offers several benefits that can significantly enhance an entrepreneur’s chances of success:

  1. Reduced Risk and Resource Waste: By focusing on creating a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and gathering real-world feedback early, entrepreneurs can identify potential flaws or misalignments with the market before investing significant time and resources. This minimizes the risk of building a product that doesn’t meet customer needs or isn’t viable.
  2. Faster Time-to-Market: The Lean Startup approach encourages rapid iteration and deployment of MVPs. This allows entrepreneurs to bring their products to market faster, enabling them to start learning from actual user interactions sooner and adjust their strategies accordingly.
  3. Data-Driven Decision Making: The methodology emphasizes the importance of data collection and analysis. Entrepreneurs can make informed decisions based on real user behavior and feedback rather than relying solely on assumptions or intuition. This increases the accuracy of strategic choices and reduces guesswork.
  4. Iterative Improvement: The Build-Measure-Learn loop encourages continuous improvement. Entrepreneurs can refine their products, features, and strategies based on the insights gained from each iteration. This iterative process leads to a more refined and customer-focused end product.
  5. Customer-Centric Approach: The Lean Startup methodology places a strong emphasis on understanding customer needs and pain points. By involving customers early on and incorporating their feedback, entrepreneurs can tailor their products to meet specific demands, leading to higher customer satisfaction.

In essence, the Lean Startup methodology equips entrepreneurs with a systematic approach to navigate the challenges of starting a new venture. It guides them in making strategic decisions based on real-world data and customer input, leading to more successful and resilient businesses.

II. Pitfalls in Business Model Execution

Business models serve as the blueprint for how an organization creates, delivers, and captures value. While a well-conceived business model can pave the way for success, the execution of that model is often where the rubber meets the road. Business model execution involves translating strategic plans into practical actions and outcomes. However, numerous challenges can arise during this execution phase, potentially derailing even the most promising business ventures. This essay delves into some of the critical issues that businesses face when executing their chosen business models and explores potential strategies to address these challenges.

  1. Misalignment with Market Needs and Trends:

   One of the primary issues in business model execution is a misalignment with market needs and trends. Businesses that fail to stay attuned to evolving customer preferences, technological advancements, and industry shifts can find themselves executing a model that no longer resonates with their target audience. This misalignment can lead to dwindling demand, loss of competitive advantage, and ultimately, failure.

 Strategy: Regular market research and continuous customer engagement are essential to staying abreast of changing dynamics. Businesses should foster a culture of adaptability, encouraging teams to proactively seek feedback and adjust their strategies based on new information.

  1. Poor Implementation and Resource Allocation:

   An intricately designed business model can falter if not implemented effectively. Poor allocation of resources, inadequate project management, and lack of accountability can hinder the execution process. This issue often arises when there is a disparity between strategic intent and operational execution.

   Strategy: Clear communication of the business model throughout the organization is crucial. Setting up robust project management systems, defining key performance indicators (KPIs), and monitoring progress against milestones can help ensure proper resource allocation and effective implementation.

  1. Resistance to Change:

   Executing a new business model often requires significant organizational changes, both in processes and culture. Resistance to change from employees can thwart execution efforts. Resistance can stem from fear of job displacement, skepticism about the new model’s feasibility, or discomfort with altered routines.

   Strategy: Engaging employees early in the process, providing training and support, and emphasizing the benefits of the new model can help mitigate resistance. Creating a shared vision and involving employees in decision-making can foster a sense of ownership and collaboration.

  1. Lack of Scalability:

   A business model may work well in a small-scale environment but struggle to scale up as the business grows. Issues related to operational efficiency, resource constraints, and adaptability can hinder the expansion of the model to reach a larger customer base.

   Strategy: Businesses should consider scalability during the initial design of their business model. Embracing technology, automation, and processes that can handle increased demand are critical for successful execution at scale.

  1. Inadequate Financial Planning:

   Business model execution demands careful financial planning to ensure that revenue streams align with expenses and growth projections. Inadequate financial planning can result in cash flow issues, overextension, or inability to seize growth opportunities.

   Strategy: Rigorous financial forecasting, regular budget reviews, and scenario planning can help businesses navigate financial challenges. Seeking advice from financial experts or mentors can provide valuable insights for sound financial management.

Effective business model execution is a critical factor in achieving sustained success in today’s dynamic business landscape. By addressing issues such as misalignment with market trends, poor implementation, resistance to change, lack of scalability, inadequate financial planning, market saturation, customer-centricity, and regulatory challenges, businesses can enhance their ability to execute their chosen models successfully. Flexibility, adaptability, clear communication, and a customer-focused mindset are essential strategies for overcoming these challenges. Ultimately, a well-executed business model not only brings value to customers but also contributes to the long-term viability and growth of the organization.

Hence, Company should have own development about capital, human resource, finance planning.


III. Capital Development

In the dynamic landscape of startups, the ability to secure and effectively manage capital is paramount for growth and sustainability. Established startup tracking companies play a pivotal role in the business ecosystem by providing innovative solutions for monitoring and optimizing various aspects of business operations. As these startups evolve and scale, capital development becomes a strategic imperative to fuel expansion, innovation, and market dominance. This essay explores the significance of capital development in established startup tracking companies, examining the challenges they face and the strategies they employ to secure and manage capital for continued success.

Importance of Capital Development

Capital development is essential for established startup tracking companies due to the unique demands of their industry. These companies often operate within the tech-driven space, developing sophisticated software, platforms, and solutions to monitor and analyze data, optimize processes, and enhance decision-making. Capital serves as the lifeblood that enables these companies to invest in research and development, talent acquisition, market expansion, and technology infrastructure. It facilitates the scaling of operations, the pursuit of innovation, and the adaptation to evolving industry trends.

Challenges in Capital Development

  1. Intense Competition: The startup tracking industry is highly competitive, with numerous companies vying for market share. This competition can limit access to funding as investors carefully evaluate the potential of each company to deliver a unique value proposition and achieve sustainable growth.
  2. Market Fluctuations: The technology sector is characterized by rapid changes and market fluctuations. Investors may hesitate to commit capital if they perceive instability or if the startup tracking company’s business model appears susceptible to disruption.
  3. Scaling Complexities: As these companies grow, they must navigate the complexities of scaling their operations, expanding their workforce, and servicing an increasing customer base. Scaling demands significant financial resources, which can strain existing capital reserves.

Strategies for Capital Development

  1. Diversified Funding Sources: Established startup tracking companies often pursue a combination of funding sources, including venture capital, angel investors, strategic partnerships, and even public offerings. Diversifying funding sources reduces reliance on a single channel and enhances financial stability.
  2. Demonstrating Value: To attract investors, these companies must clearly demonstrate the value their tracking solutions bring to businesses. This involves showcasing case studies, customer testimonials, and quantifiable metrics that highlight the positive impact of their offerings.
  3. Strong Business Model: A robust and sustainable business model is crucial for securing and managing capital effectively. Startups should focus on achieving profitability or demonstrating a clear path to profitability, which can instill investor confidence.
  4. Strategic Partnerships: Collaborations with industry leaders, established corporations, or complementary startups can provide access to not only capital but also resources, expertise, and a broader customer base. These partnerships can validate the startup tracking company’s value proposition and accelerate growth.
  5. Efficient Resource Allocation: Prudent allocation of resources is essential to optimize capital development. Startups should prioritize areas that directly contribute to revenue generation, such as product development, customer acquisition, and marketing.
  6. Transparency and Communication: Maintaining transparent communication with investors fosters trust and confidence. Regular updates on financial performance, operational milestones, and strategic initiatives can help investors remain engaged and supportive.

Capital development is a pivotal aspect of the journey for established startup tracking companies. As they navigate the challenges of competition, market fluctuations, and scaling complexities, these companies must deploy strategic approaches to secure and manage capital effectively. Diversified funding sources, a strong business model, strategic partnerships, efficient resource allocation, and transparent communication are key components of a successful capital development strategy. By harnessing the power of capital, these companies can continue to innovate, expand their market presence, and contribute to the advancement of business tracking technologies in a dynamic and rapidly evolving business landscape.

IV. Human Resource Management in Established Startup Tracking Company

Human Resource Management (HRM) is a critical function in any organization, playing a central role in shaping the culture, driving innovation, and ensuring effective operations. In established startup tracking companies, HRM takes on a unique significance due to the dynamic nature of the industry and the need to foster growth, attract top talent, and maintain a competitive edge. This essay explores the complexities and strategies of HRM in an established startup tracking company, delving into the challenges they face and the approaches they adopt to manage their human capital effectively.

Importance of HRM in Startup Tracking Companies

HRM is indispensable in startup tracking companies, where the convergence of technology, innovation, and business agility requires a skilled and motivated workforce. These companies specialize in developing sophisticated solutions that monitor and optimize various aspects of business operations. Success hinges on the capability of their human capital to create, deliver, and enhance these solutions. HRM is pivotal in aligning organizational goals with employee aspirations, ensuring a culture of innovation, and building a workforce that drives the company’s growth trajectory.

Challenges in HRM for Established Startup Tracking Companies

  1. Talent Acquisition and Retention: The technology sector is highly competitive, and attracting and retaining top talent can be challenging. Established startup tracking companies must compete with larger corporations and other startups to secure skilled professionals in areas such as software development, data analysis, and artificial intelligence.
  2. Rapid Growth and Scaling: As startup tracking companies gain traction, they experience rapid growth and must scale their operations accordingly. Managing this growth while maintaining a cohesive and collaborative workforce can strain existing HR systems and processes.
  3. Cultural Preservation: As companies expand, there is a risk of losing the startup culture that initially contributed to their success. Balancing the need for structure and process with the maintenance of a dynamic and innovative culture poses a significant challenge.
  4. Skill Diversity: Startup tracking companies require a diverse range of skills, from technical expertise to marketing, sales, and customer support. Ensuring a balance of skill sets and fostering cross-functional collaboration can be complex.

Strategies for Effective HRM

  1. Robust Recruitment Strategies: To attract top talent, startup tracking companies must develop innovative recruitment strategies that highlight the company’s mission, culture, and growth potential. Building relationships with universities, participating in industry events, and leveraging social media are effective approaches.
  2. Employee Development and Training: Providing continuous learning and growth opportunities is essential to retaining employees and ensuring they remain aligned with the company’s evolving needs. Investing in training and development programs helps employees stay current and motivated.
  3. Agile Organizational Structure: To navigate rapid growth, startup tracking companies should adopt agile organizational structures that facilitate quick decision-making and cross-functional collaboration. These structures enable employees to adapt to changing roles and responsibilities as the company scales.
  4. Transparent Communication: Open and transparent communication is critical to maintain a positive employee experience. Regular updates about company performance, strategic initiatives, and changes in direction foster trust and engagement.
  5. Cultural Reinforcement: Startup tracking companies should prioritize preserving their innovative culture while implementing the necessary structures for growth. Initiatives like team-building activities, mentorship programs, and recognition systems can reinforce the desired cultural values.
  6. Performance Management and Recognition: Implementing performance management systems that set clear expectations, provide regular feedback, and recognize achievements can drive employee motivation and alignment with company goals.

Human Resource Management in established startup tracking companies is an intricate endeavor that demands a nuanced understanding of the industry’s challenges and dynamics. Navigating talent acquisition, rapid growth, cultural preservation, and skill diversity requires strategic thinking, adaptability, and a strong commitment to fostering a supportive and innovative work environment. By implementing effective HRM strategies, these companies can harness the potential of their human capital, drive innovation, and maintain a competitive edge in a dynamic and rapidly evolving industry.

B – Introduction our product

I. Business Overview

 We are Thinh An Tea. Because people in the Cau River area used to use too much herbicide when cultivating tea, the environment was heavily polluted. In addition, the people here live a poor life and depend a lot on the factory when selling tea to the market, so when the factory withdraws from the locality, people do not know how to take advantage and sell tea. for the performance with such a large tea resource. The value of tea is also very low and the quality is reduced due to polluted cultivation.

The scale of impact, The specific Sông Cầu region and tea farmers, in general, are significantly affected by Trà Thịnh An. We believe that the main reason for the problems is the lack of knowledge among tea farmers about tea production and a lack of awareness about the importance of sustainable development.

Hence, The Thinh An Tea Cooperative was established to persuade people not to use chemicals and at the same time invite other agricultural projects to the locality to support the supply of clean raw materials and fertilizers to help people. more efficient tea cultivation. The cooperative has also consumed tea products and divided labor for people here so that people can safely cultivate according to the strength of each household. The cooperative has also researched and promoted many products from tea to many regions of the country to improve the value of tea trees. Along with that is the improvement of the landscape of tea hills to expand and develop the regional calendar

 To achieve long-term goals, Trà Thịnh An needs to implement social work such as “social construction” and “social technology.”

Social construction: To achieve Trà Thịnh An’s long-term goals, in the future, Thịnh An needs to carry out activities aimed at improving community life and reducing social inequalities. These activities include continuing to create job opportunities for local residents, supporting local economic development, and community education on environmental management and food safety. To accomplish these, Trà Thịnh An needs to build good relationships with the local community and social organizations to provide appropriate solutions tailored to the needs and conditions of each locality.

Social technology: Trà Thịnh An needs to apply advanced and effective technological solutions to improve product quality, minimize environmental impact, and enhance productivity. These technological solutions may include using smart farming methods, implementing quality management systems, and ensuring food safety, producing environmentally friendly products with higher economic value. To implement these technological solutions, Trà Thịnh An needs close collaboration with partners and experts in the field.

The integration of social construction and social technology is necessary for Trà Thịnh An to achieve long-term goals and ensure the sustainability of its :The unique aspect of Trà Thịnh An’s solution lies in its method of creating social impact through its business operations. By supporting local tea farmers and promoting sustainable agricultural practices, Trà Thịnh An consistently strives to create employment opportunities for the local community while preserving the environment and traditional culture.Furthermore, Trà Thịnh An focuses on modernizing and diversifying its product line to meet the changing consumer demands, which sets it apart from traditional tea companies.The novelty of the company’s solution lies in its emphasis on creating social impact and preserving cultural heritage in addition to producing high-quality tea products. While many other companies promote sustainable agriculture and support the local community, Trà Thịnh An’s solution stands out in terms of social responsibility and cultural preservation.

Contribution of the company to the common goals of the UN. Our mission included: 

  • Revitalize the land in Sông Cầu and restore livelihoods for the local community.
  • Elevate the value of tea plants and showcase Vietnamese tea on a new level.
  • Bring the health benefits of tea to consumers through high-quality and diverse products.
  • Preserve the essence of Vietnamese tea culture.
  • Transform agricultural production mindset towards safety, sustainability, and the well-being of the environment and farmers.

Our vision: 

  • Establish a sustainable tea farming model to improve the quality of life for tea farmers.
  • Promote traditional tea culture domestically and internationally.
  • Change the mindset of agricultural production to be more focused, safe, and sustainable.
  • Expand cultivation scale and improve the lives of farmers in similar regions.

Currently, the company has successfully achieved 7 of the United Nations’ goals, with a specific emphasis on Goal 12: responsible consumption and production.

Our result: 

Thinh An Tea not only receives gratitude from the tea farmers but also positive reception from the domestic market, recognition of government, and international representatives, as well as we have chance to take part in an international fair about agricultural items . The products produced by tea farmers have achieved high-quality standards and have been awarded various certifications. The products have been available both online and offline in over 45 provinces and cities.

II. Thinh An Business Execution

1 Human Capital

Criteria Current Model New Model 
Human Capital
  • Skilled tea experts in traditional tea products to quality assessment.
  • Sales and marketing teams with expertise in traditional tea customer relationship management.
  • Cross-functional teams with diverse skills, including product development, and social impact expertise.
  • Innovation specialists who can identify potential opportunities for new tea products
  • Collaborators from local communities and NGOs to ensure sustainable sourcing and fair trade practices.
Capital Allocation
  • Investing in employee training and development programs 
  • Ensuring a conducive work environment o maintain productivity
  • Allocating funds for marketing and advertising campaigns
  • Investing in R&D for creating new tea products, and eco-friendly packaging
  • Market research to understand consumer preferences for the new products in the market.
  • Setting up pilot projects and testing phases to assess the feasibility.
Business Culture and Leadership
  • Emphasize the importance of social impact, sustainability, and responsible business practices 
  • Create a cross-functional team with representatives from different departments to ensure seamless integration
  • Implement a robust monitoring and evaluation system to measure the social impact of the new business mode


2 Social capital


Criteria Current Model New Model 
Social Capital
  • Evaluate the size and quality of the business network: customers, suppliers, distributors, and other relevant stakeholders through amount of their purchase
  • Assess the strength of relationships with key partners, our competitions, marketing program
  • Identify potential new partners, including NGOs, sustainability-focused organizations, and local communities, who can contribute to the new social business model.
Capital Allocation
  • Continue to allocate resources for customer engagement and loyalty programs 
  • Focus on building trust and credibility within the tea industry through long-standing retailers
  • Allocate resources to establish and nurture relationships with new partners, including investment in joint ventures, collaborative projects, and knowledge sharing.
  • Invest in networking events, conferences, and workshops 


3  Manufactured capital


Criteria Current Model New Model 
Manufactured Capital
  • Conduct an audit of the company’s physical property portfolio, including land, buildings, warehouses, machinery, equipment, and vehicles used in traditional tea production and distribution, limit the number of machines for productions
  • Identify additional physical resources support the new social impact business model, such as eco-friendly packaging machinery, sustainable farming equipment, or energy-efficient facilities.
  • Evaluate the market value and potential return on investment for acquiring or upgrading these new resources.
Capital Allocation
  • Allocate resources for routine maintenance and upkeep of physical assets to ensure smooth and efficient operations, training employees our machice
  • Invest in technology and equipment upgrades to optimize production processes and maintain competitive advantages for develop new products
  • Conduct thorough cost-benefit analyses before investing in new physical resources to assess their long-term impact on the company’s financial health
  • Evaluate the company’s maintenance practices and investment in the upkeep of physical resources to ensure they remain in good working condition.


  1. Financial capital

Thinh An Tea has strategically organized its financial capital to effectively support the execution of our business model. Our financial structure encompasses various elements, ensuring both sustainability and growth in the long term.

– Cash Needs and Cash Flow: Thinh An Tea’s monthly cash needs are estimated at $5,000, covering operational expenses, production costs, and marketing efforts. Our projected monthly operating cash flow is $7,000, taking into account the average revenue from tea sales and related services.

– Investing Cash Flow: We allocate 10% of our annual revenue, which amounts to $15,000, to investing activities. This includes research and development, equipment upgrades, and new product development to enhance our offerings.

– Financing Cash Flow: Thinh An Tea maintains a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.3, indicating a healthy balance between debt and equity financing. Our current equity financing constitutes 70% of our total capital, while debt financing accounts for the remaining 30%.

– Cash Burn Rate and Runway: With a monthly cash burn rate of $2000, Thinh An Tea has a calculated runway of 10 months. This provides us with a comfortable cushion to navigate challenges and focus on growth without immediate funding concerns.

– Working Capital Management: Our rigorous working capital management practices have resulted in an average collection period of 45 days for receivables and an average payment period of 30 days for payables. This efficient management ensures a stable working capital position.

– Capital Structure and Funding Sources: Our balanced capital structure includes angel investments (40%), retained earnings (30%), and a line of credit from a local bank (30%). 

– Accessibility to Funding: Fostered relationships with local investment networks, venture capitalists, and impact investment funds. These connections enhance our accessibility to various funding sources, enabling us to explore equity investment, debt financing, and grants.

  1. Self-improvement 

Market Insights: An initial over-reliance on a single distribution channel exposed us to vulnerability. This realization led us to diversify our channels, reducing reliance on any single avenue and enhancing our risk mitigation capacity.

Guidance from Mentors and Advisors: Through their guidance, we recognized the need to anticipate external factors, such as supply chain disruptions. This foresight prompted us to establish contingency plans and foster relationships with alternate suppliers, ensuring operational continuity even in adverse circumstances.

Resilience and Learning from Failures: A packaging-related recall challenged us to reevaluate our quality control measures. This experience catalyzed an overhaul of our quality assurance protocols and supplier relationships, bolstering our ability to swiftly address potential risks and maintain customer trust.

Experimentation and Adaptive Practices: A failed expansion attempt into a new market highlighted the necessity of comprehensive market research. This experience prompted a strategic shift towards consolidating our existing markets, minimizing potential financial strain and exposure to unfamiliar risks.

Forward-Looking Sustainability: Interacting with eco-conscious consumers and stakeholders emphasized the potential impact of climate-related risks. This recognition spurred the implementation of eco-friendly packaging and sustainable sourcing practices, safeguarding against reputational risks and aligning with evolving consumer preferences.