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ROUND 2_ Business Model Innovation (2)
Environmental problem:
In Veracruz, more than 153 coconut shells are thrown and burned a day, wasting a material with great properties.
Burning coconut shells produces greenhouse gases which pollute the environment. Ecoco reduces this problem by rescuing coconut shells to give them a second chance and create sustainable products.
Ecoco has two product lines, producing flower pots and mosquito repellents, both made of coconut fiber that is usually thrown away or burned.
The environmental impact that Ecoco generates is the reduction of polluting gases that are generated by the burning of the coconut shells that are discarded in Veracruz, and, in addition, the replacement of plastic pots that, due to their composition, affect the environment.
Our social impact is represented by our mosquito repellent, since in Veracruz there are more than 1,200 cases of diseases that are transmitted by mosquitoes such as dengue, malaria and Zika, among others. We created a more natural, ecological and functional solution, combining coconut fiber with citronella which is a natural mosquito repellent. It’s also important to mention that in the future, when Ecoco’s demand increases, we will create fair job opportunities to communities with low-income rates.
- A1. Social mantra one-liner
Transforming coconut waste into sustainable goods while empowering communities for a greener and better future.
- A2. Product presentation
Ecoco has two product lines, creating flower pots and mosquito repellents and all this with coconut fiber that is normally thrown away.
The environmental impact that Ecoco represents is the reduction of polluting gases that are generated by the burning of coconut shells that are discarded in Veracruz.
(Coconut shell landfills in Veracruz)
The pots measure 3×3 inches, are resistant and, above all, due to the properties of the coconut fiber, they help the plants in their growth. On the other hand, we have mosquito repellents, they are cone-shaped and 3-6 cm high, which are created with different ingredients but with the prominence of 2: coconut fiber and citronella; Citronella is an essence that, due to its properties, can scare away mosquitoes, but the most important thing is that it is natural.
For both products we created a small card that describes step by step how to use our products, and some suggestions that we provide to the customer so that they know how to use our products.
Ecoco Pots
Ecoco Repellent
- Video presentation SBC102
- B1. Business Model Overview
In our business model we explain our project pointing out the viability, profitability and desirability. Our value propositions are focused on our customer segments where we can reach them through our channels, looking for a long-term relationship with our clients and making profits. For that, we need our online and productive resources and focus on our key activities which are focused on the process of making our products and promoting them. As stakeholders we focused on people who can contribute with technical, publicity and raw material support to make the project profitable.
- B2. Econimic Value for customers
- B3. Target Social Impact
- Reduce the effect of plastic pots that have several negative impacts on the environment.
- Collection of coconut waste for reuse, preventing it from becoming simple waste.
- In 2 years, become a socially responsible company that provides fair jobs.
- Active communication to create conscience of the use of conventional repellents.
- Reduction in mosquito-borne diseases
- Replacing the use of chemical repellents which are harmful to health and the environment
- B4. Feasibility
- B5. Profitability
- B6. ESG Integration
- C1. Crowdfunding and Crowdsourcing campaign
Meeting with Lic. Alejandro Díaz, he is a financial advisor and economist, who is interested in our project thanks to the dissemination on social networks and sample of the business model. He gave us suggestions on the business model and improvement in the development of the cost structure.
Also, we met with students from the Faculty of Administration for a short presentation talking about Ecoco and how it plans to develop products which have a social and environmental impact. On the other hand, we share an infographic with neighbors, students and the general public to publicize Ecoco